
Home > Ethnic and Cultural Studies > Gender identity > Genderqueer

A gender identity that falls outside of the traditional binary system of male and female. Some people may identify as both male and female or neither.

Gender Identity: The way a person feels and internalizes their gender as being either male, female, both, or neither.
Gender Expression: The way a person communicates their gender identity to the world through their physical appearance, behavior, and mannerisms.
Sexual Orientation: A person's attraction to others based on their gender identity.
Pronouns: The words used to refer to a person, including traditional pronouns like "he" or "she", and gender-neutral pronouns like "they" or "ze".
Gender Dysphoria: A feeling of discomfort or distress that arises when a person's gender identity does not match their biological sex.
Non-Binary: An umbrella term that refers to any gender identity that falls outside of the traditional binary of male and female.
Androgyny: A gender expression that combines both masculine and feminine traits.
Gender Fluidity: A gender identity that can change or fluctuate over time.
Transgender: A person whose gender identity does not match the sex they were assigned at birth.
Intersex: A person who is born with physical sex characteristics that do not fit typical male or female categories.
LGTBQIA+: An acronym that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual/aromantic.
Gender Roles: The culturally defined expectations of how people of different genders should behave.
Binary Oppositions: The idea that genders are constructed as opposite and contrasting categories (i.e. male/female, masculine/feminine).
Third Gender: A gender identity that exists outside of the male/female binary, which may have specific cultural or historical contexts.
Gender Affirmation: The act of validating and supporting a person's gender identity and expression.
"Non-binary and genderqueer are umbrella terms for gender identities that are not solely male or female (identities outside the gender binary)."
"...non-binary people typically identify with a gender that is different from their sex, though some non-binary people do not consider themselves transgender."
"Non-binary people may identify as an intermediate or separate third gender, identify with more than one gender, no gender, or have a fluctuating gender identity."
"Non-binary people have various sexual orientations."
"Being non-binary is also not the same as being intersex; most intersex people identify as either male or female."
"Non-binary people as a group vary in their gender expressions..."
"Some non-binary people may reject gender identity altogether."
"Some non-binary people are medically treated for gender dysphoria with surgery or hormones, as trans men and trans women often are."
"...gender identities that are not solely male or female."
"...identify with more than one gender..."
"Gender identity is separate from sexual or romantic orientation."
"...identities outside the gender binary."
"...identify as an intermediate or separate third gender..."
"...have a fluctuating gender identity."
"...non-binary people typically identify with a gender that is different from their sex..."
"Non-binary identities fall under the transgender umbrella..."
"Some non-binary people do not consider themselves transgender."
"Some non-binary people are medically treated for gender dysphoria with surgery or hormones..."
"Gender identity is separate from sexual or romantic orientation."
"Being non-binary is also not the same as being intersex; most intersex people identify as either male or female."