"Cisgender is a term used to describe a person whose gender identity corresponds to their sex assigned at birth."
Individuals whose gender identity aligns with their assigned sex at birth.
Gender: Understanding the concept of gender and how it differs from sex.
Transgender: Understanding what it means to be transgender and the experiences of transgender individuals.
Cisgender: Understanding what it means to be cisgender and the experiences of cisgender individuals.
Gender dysphoria: Understanding the distress that can come from feeling that one's gender identity does not match their assigned sex.
Gender expression: Exploring the different ways in which people express their gender, including through clothing, behavior, and language.
Intersex: Understanding people with physical sex characteristics that do not fit typical male or female classifications.
Nonbinary: Understanding gender identities that do not fit the traditional binary of male or female.
Pronouns: Learning about pronouns beyond he/him and she/her, and respecting people's preferred pronouns.
Gender roles: Understanding societal expectations and norms surrounding gender roles and how they impact individuals.
Identity development: Understanding how gender identity develops over time and how it can be influenced by various factors.
Discrimination and violence: Understanding the discrimination and violence that many transgender and gender nonconforming individuals experience.
Legal issues: Understanding the legal protections and discrimination faced by transgender and gender nonconforming individuals.
"The word cisgender is the antonym of transgender."
"The prefix cis- is Latin and means on this side of."
"The term cisgender was coined in 1994."
"The term entered into dictionaries starting in 2015."
"As a result of changes in social discourse about gender."
"Yes, the term has been and continues to be controversial."
"Cisnormativity is the presumption that cisgender identity is preferred or normal."
"Cissexism refers to bias or prejudice favoring cisgender people."
"Cisgender describes someone whose gender corresponds with their assigned sex, while transgender refers to individuals whose gender identity differs from their assigned sex at birth."
"No, the term cisgender was coined in 1994, just like transgender."
"The prefix cis- is Latin and means on this side of."
"Yes, the term entered into dictionaries starting in 2015."
"Yes, the term has been and continues to be controversial."
"Cisnormativity presumes that cisgender identity is preferred or normal."
"Cissexism refers to bias or prejudice favoring cisgender people."
"The word cisgender is the antonym of transgender."
"Yes, changes in social discourse about gender have influenced the acceptance and understanding of cisgender."
"Related concepts are cisnormativity and cissexism."
"Cisnormativity is the presumption that cisgender identity is preferred or normal, while cissexism denotes bias or prejudice favoring cisgender people."