"Heteronormativity is the concept that heterosexuality is the preferred or normal mode of sexual orientation."
The assumption that heterosexuality is the default or normal sexual orientation.
Gender: The cultural, social, and psychological characteristics associated with masculinity and femininity.
Sex: The biological traits that distinguish males and females.
Heteronormativity: The belief that heterosexuality is the natural or normative sexual orientation.
Queer Theory: An approach to gender and sexuality that challenges the binary categorization of sex and gender.
Intersectionality: The study of how different social identities (such as race, class, and gender) interact and influence one another.
Sexuality: The way individuals experience and express themselves sexually.
LGBTQ+ Rights: An advocacy movement for the legal and social equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals.
Homophobia: The fear or prejudice against homosexuality, often resulting in discriminatory behaviors.
Transgender: A term encompassing individuals whose gender identity differs from the sex assigned at birth.
Non-binary Gender: A gender identity that doesn't fit within the traditional male or female categories.
Feminism: A movement advocating for gender equality and the social, economic, and political rights of women.
Sexual Orientation: An individual's emotional and sexual attraction to others based on gender.
Gender Identity: One's internal sense of being masculine, feminine, or somewhere in between.
Patriarchy: A social system in which men hold power and dominate women in social, political, and economic systems.
Stereotypes: Preconceived and oversimplified ideas about a particular social group, often leading to discrimination and prejudice.
Homosociality: The preference for same-sex socializing, often leading to the exclusion of individuals outside of one's own gender.
Social Constructionism: The idea that gender and sexuality are created through social and cultural factors, rather than being predetermined by biology.
Cisgender: A term describing individuals whose gender identity aligns with the sex assigned at birth.
Biases: Prejudices and preferences based on one's personal experiences, values, and beliefs.
Kinsey Scale: A model of sexual orientation that ranges from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual, with varying degrees of bisexuality in between.
Binary Gender Norms: This is the belief that there are only two genders, male and female, and that they are distinct and opposite. This creates a normative expectation that people must identify as either male or female, and that they must conform to gender roles and expectations associated with their biological sex.
Heterosexual Bias: This refers to the assumption that heterosexuality is the norm and the expectation that everyone is or should be heterosexual. This creates a normative pressure for people to conform to heterosexuality and marginalizes those who do not.
Gender Essentialism: This is the belief that gender is determined by biology, and that certain traits, behaviors, and roles are inherent to men and women. This reinforces gender stereotypes and restricts the expression of gender identity and sexuality.
Homophobia and Transphobia: These are forms of discrimination and prejudice against people who identify as non-heterosexual, non-binary, or transgender. They create a normative pressure for people to conform to heterosexuality and binary gender norms, and stigmatize those who deviate from them.
Exclusionary Practices: This refers to the ways in which institutions, policies, and social norms restrict the access and participation of non-heterosexual, non-cisgender, and gender-nonconforming individuals. This creates a normative expectation that certain spaces, activities, and relationships are only for heterosexual, cisgender individuals.
"It assumes the gender binary (i.e., that there are only two distinct, opposite genders) and that sexual and marital relations are most fitting between people of opposite sex."
"Heteronormativity creates and upholds a social hierarchy based on sexual orientation with the practice and belief that heterosexuality is deemed as the societal norm."
"A heteronormative view involves alignment of biological sex, sexuality, gender identity, and gender roles."
"Heteronormativity has been linked to heterosexism and homophobia."
"The effects of societal heteronormativity on lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals have been described as heterosexual or 'straight' privilege."
"Heteronormativity is the concept that heterosexuality is the preferred or normal mode of sexual orientation."
"It assumes the gender binary (i.e., that there are only two distinct, opposite genders)."
"Heteronormativity assumes that sexual and marital relations are most fitting between people of opposite sex."
"Heteronormativity creates and upholds a social hierarchy based on sexual orientation."
"A heteronormative view involves alignment of biological sex, sexuality, gender identity, and gender roles."
"Heteronormativity has been linked to heterosexism and homophobia."
"The effects of societal heteronormativity on lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals have been described as heterosexual or 'straight' privilege."
"Heteronormativity is the concept that heterosexuality is deemed as the societal norm."
"Heteronormativity assumes the gender binary (i.e., that there are only two distinct, opposite genders)."
"Heteronormativity assumes that sexual and marital relations are most fitting between people of opposite sex."
"Heteronormativity creates and upholds a social hierarchy based on sexual orientation."
"A heteronormative view involves alignment of biological sex, sexuality, gender identity, and gender roles."
"Heteronormativity has been linked to heterosexism and homophobia."
"The effects of societal heteronormativity on lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals have been described as heterosexual or 'straight' privilege."