"Decent work is employment that 'respects the fundamental rights of the human person as well as the rights of workers in terms of conditions of work safety and remuneration. ... respect for the physical and mental integrity of the worker in the exercise of his/her employment.'"
Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A framework of 17 goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to address global challenges related to poverty, inequality, climate change, and economic growth.
Decent work: Work that is productive, offers fair pay, equal opportunities, security, social protection, and human rights.
Economic growth: An increase in the production and consumption of goods and services in an economy, measured by GDP.
Employment and unemployment: The number of people engaged in work and those without a job who are actively seeking work.
Labor productivity: A measure of the amount of goods or services produced per unit of labor.
Social protection: A safety net provided by the government to vulnerable populations, including unemployment benefits, disability benefits, and pensions.
Gender equality: The principle of equal rights and opportunities for all genders, including in the workplace.
Youth employment: The labor force participation of individuals between the ages of 15 and 24.
Child labor: The use of children for work that is harmful to their physical, mental, and emotional development.
Informal economy: Economic activities that are not regulated or taxed by the government, typically in the form of self-employment or small-scale enterprises.
Migration and decent work: The impact of migratory movements on labor markets, including the exploitation of migrant workers and the need for social integration.
Green jobs and sustainable production: The promotion of environmentally friendly practices and job creation in sustainable industries.
Technological innovation and employment: The potential for new technologies to create or displace jobs.
Microenterprise development: The creation and growth of small businesses that promote economic growth and alleviate poverty.
Economic inequality and social cohesion: The correlation between economic inequality and social conflict, and the role of economic policies in promoting social cohesion.
Skills development and workforce training: The importance of education and training programs to equip workers with the skills necessary for employment and economic growth.
Corporate social responsibility: The ethical and social responsibilities of businesses to their stakeholders, including employees, customers, and the environment.
Institutional and regulatory reforms: The role of government policies and regulations in enabling inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
Human rights and labor standards: The importance of protecting workers' rights, including fair wages, safe working conditions, and freedom of association.
Access to financial services: The need for financial inclusion and access to credit, savings, and insurance services for individuals and small businesses.
Job creation: Measures taken by government and businesses to create new employment opportunities to tackle unemployment and enhance economic growth.
Income generation: Programs aimed at addressing poverty and inequality by providing people with access to financial resources and opportunities for growth.
Entrepreneurship: The promotion of entrepreneurship and small businesses to create jobs and achieve economic growth.
Environmental sustainability: The adoption of environmentally sustainable practices that ensure economic growth without compromising the health of the environment.
Training and Skills Development: Programs aimed at enhancing the skills and training of workers to enable them to secure or retain employment and to advance in their careers.
Infrastructure development: Investments made by governments or businesses to develop physical, social, and digital infrastructure, such as transportation, communication, and energy, to support economic growth.
Access to finance: Measures that facilitate affordable access to finance for businesses and individuals to finance their economic activities.
Gender equality in the workplace: Efforts aimed at promoting equal opportunities and parity between sexes in the workplace and ensuring a decent work environment.
Labor rights and protections: Measures in place to safeguard the rights of workers and promote their socio-economic well-being by improving their working conditions and ensuring their safety.
Social protection and safety nets: Programs aimed at protecting vulnerable people from economic and social risks, such as disability, old age, and natural disasters, and promoting their socio-economic development.
"Decent work is applied to both the formal and informal sector."
"It must address all kinds of jobs, people, and families."
"Decent work involves opportunities for work that are productive and deliver a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social integration, freedom for people to express their concerns, organize and participate in the decisions that affect their lives, and equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men."
"The ILO is developing an agenda for the community of work, represented by its tripartite constituents, to mobilize their considerable resources to create those opportunities and to help reduce and eradicate poverty."
"The ILO Decent Work Agenda is the balanced and integrated programmatic approach to pursue the objectives of full and productive employment and decent work for all at global, regional, national, sectoral and local levels."
"The ILO Decent Work Agenda has four pillars: standards and rights at work, employment creation and enterprise development, social protection, and social dialogue."
"Decent work is employment that 'respects the fundamental rights of the human person as well as the rights of workers in terms of conditions of work safety and remuneration.'"
"Decent work involves opportunities for work that deliver a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social integration."
"Decent work offers freedom for people to express their concerns, organize, and participate in the decisions that affect their lives."
"Decent work aims to provide equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men."
"The ILO is developing an agenda for the community of work, represented by its tripartite constituents, to mobilize their considerable resources to create those opportunities and to help reduce and eradicate poverty."
"The ILO Decent Work Agenda is a programmatic approach pursued at global, regional, national, sectoral, and local levels."
"One pillar of the ILO Decent Work Agenda is standards and rights at work, which aims to ensure respectful conditions of work safety and remuneration."
"The ILO is developing an agenda for the community of work to help reduce and eradicate poverty by creating opportunities for decent work."
"One pillar of the ILO Decent Work Agenda is employment creation and enterprise development, which focuses on productive work opportunities and fair income."
"One pillar of the ILO Decent Work Agenda is social protection, which seeks to provide security in the workplace and social protection for families."
"One pillar of the ILO Decent Work Agenda is social dialogue, which allows people to express their concerns, organize, and participate in decisions affecting their lives."
"The ILO Decent Work Agenda aims to provide better prospects for personal development and social integration."
"The ILO Decent Work Agenda strives to achieve equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men."