Climate change is impacting many ecosystems around the world, altering plant and animal ranges, migration patterns, and other ecological processes.
Greenhouse Gases: This topic covers the concept of gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming.
Carbon Footprint: This topic explains the amount of greenhouse gases that are produced by human activities and how they contribute to climate change.
Climate Change: This concept means a long-term change in global climate patterns which is caused by human activities.
The Greenhouse Effect: This topic explains how greenhouse gases work to trap heat in the earth's atmosphere.
Ocean Acidification: This concept covers the decrease of pH levels in the ocean due to the absorption of carbon dioxide that leads to the deterioration of marine life.
Biodiversity: This topic covers the comparison of different ecosystems and their variety of organisms.
Renewable Energy: This concept covers any type of energy source that comes from natural resources that can be replenished like wind, solar, and hydroelectricity.
Deforestation: This topic refers to a decrease in forest cover, impacting the ecosystem, various biomes and increase in the production of greenhouse gases.
Water Scarcity: This concept covers the decrease in the availability of fresh water due to climate change.
The Paris Agreement: This topic explains the agreement by countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to combat climate change.
Temperature rise: As a result of climate change, temperatures in ecosystems are rising. This can cause a shift in the types of organisms that can thrive in an ecosystem, as some may not be able to tolerate the new temperature patterns.
Sea level rise: As the temperatures rise, ice caps melt which can lead to the rise of sea level in some areas. This can lead to flooding and erosion, which can have a significant impact on ecosystems like coastal areas.
Changes in precipitation patterns: Global warming can alter the distribution and frequency of precipitation, which can impact ecosystem productivity and biodiversity.
Carbon dioxide concentration increase: Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. As the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, ecosystems may be impacted by acidification of the oceans and other effects.
Alteration of species distribution: Climate change and global warming can cause species to move to new areas or modify their migration routes to adapt to the new climate patterns.
Phenological changes: The timing of natural events, such as flowering or bird migrations, are changing in response to climate change.
Increase in frequency and intensity of extreme weather events: Climate change is causing more frequent and intense weather events such as cyclones, hurricanes, droughts, and floods, which can alter ecosystems in dramatic ways.
Ocean acidification: As the concentration of carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere, it is absorbed by the ocean, leading to acidification that can impact marine species.
Melting of permafrost: Global warming is causing permafrost to melt in regions such as the Arctic, leading to changes in the availability of water and habitats for species.
Changes in ecosystem productivity: Climate change can affect the overall productivity and function of an ecosystem, which can impact food webs, nutrient cycling, and other critical processes.