"The application of technology and scientific principles to the planning, functional design, operation and management of facilities for any mode of transportation."
Study of the design and operation of transportation systems, such as roads, airports, and railways.
"To provide for the safe, efficient, rapid, comfortable, convenient, economical, and environmentally compatible movement of people and goods transport."
"The planning aspects of transportation engineering relate to elements of urban planning."
"Estimation of trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and route assignment."
"Auto ownership, trip chaining, and the choice of residential or business location."
"They often represent the peak of demand on any transportation system."
"Operations planning, logistics, network analysis, financing, and policy analysis."
"Safety protocols, geometric design requirements, and signal timing."
"Planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of transportation facilities supporting various modes of transportation."
"Sizing of transportation facilities, determining materials and thickness for pavement, and designing the geometry of the roadway or track."
"Take an inventory of the area or the previous system in place, including information on population, land use, economic activity, transportation facilities and services, etc."
"They involve traffic engineering to ensure smooth movement of vehicles on the road or track."
"Signs, signals, markings, and tolling."
"Intelligent transportation systems, including advanced traveler information systems, advanced traffic control systems, and vehicle infrastructure integration."
"Driver-vehicle interface and user interface of road signs, signals, and markings."
"The planning aspects of transportation engineering relate to elements of urban planning."
"Trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and route assignment."
"Operations planning, logistics, network analysis, financing, and policy analysis."
"Safety protocols, geometric design requirements, and signal timing."
"Sizing facilities, determining materials and thickness for pavement, and designing the geometry of the roadway or track."