"Collaboration is the process of two or more people, entities or organizations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal."
Effective communication and collaboration with parents, other educators, and related service providers such as OTs and speech therapists. This includes building relationships, fostering trust, and maintaining confidentiality.
Collaborative teaming: Strategies for working collaboratively to support students' academic, social, and emotional needs.
Communication skills: Techniques for effective communication with students, families, and colleagues.
Differentiated instruction: Strategies for adapting instruction to meet the diverse learning needs of students with disabilities.
Universal design for learning (UDL): An approach to instruction that focuses on providing multiple means of engagement, representation, and expression to support all learners.
Assistive technology: Tools and devices that can support students with disabilities in accessing the curriculum and communicating with others.
Positive behavior supports: Strategies for promoting positive behavior and preventing challenging behavior in the classroom.
Inclusive practices: Approaches to teaching and learning that promote the inclusion of all students, including those with disabilities, in the general education classroom.
Response to intervention (RTI): A multi-tiered approach to identifying and supporting students with academic and behavioral needs.
Collaboration with families: Strategies for working collaboratively with families to support students with disabilities.
Cultural competence: An understanding of the cultural backgrounds and experiences of students and families in order to create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.
Teacher-Parent Collaboration: A partnership between the teacher and the parent to provide the student with the best possible education.
Teacher-Teacher Collaboration: Collaboration between teachers to provide each other with knowledge, resources, and ideas to improve their teaching practices.
Teacher-Student Collaboration: A partnership between the teacher and the student to facilitate independent learning and develop a sense of responsibility in the students.
Peer Collaboration: The collaboration of students with each other to work on a project or task, allowing them to share their thoughts and knowledge.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaboration between professionals from different areas of expertise to provide a comprehensive approach to the student's education.
Community Collaboration: Collaborating with community organizations to create resources that can improve the student's education.
Teacher-Administrator Collaboration: A partnership between the teacher and the administrator to navigate the education system and advocate for the student's rights.
Tele-collaboration: Collaboration through technological means, such as video chat or instant messaging, to communicate with individuals who cannot participate in the physical location.
Communication Devices: Any device used to aid communication between individuals in Special Education, such as speech generation software, electronic augmentative devices, and communication boards.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS): A collaborative approach with multiple levels of support for students that allow teachers to identify and address the student's individual needs.
Parent Support Groups: Groups designed to support parents in their understanding of their child's disabilities and ways to help manage them.
Student-Led Conferences: Students take the lead in conferences with parents and teachers to explain their learning and strengths.
Assistive Technology: Any technology used to support the student's education, such as audiobooks or an enlarged keyboard.
Intra-agency Collaboration: Collaboration within the agency to improve the student's education.
Experiential Learning: A hands-on, problem-based approach that allows students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills through collaboration.
"Most collaboration requires leadership, although the form of leadership can be social within a decentralized and egalitarian group."
"Teams that work collaboratively often access greater resources, recognition and rewards when facing competition for finite resources."
"Structured methods of collaboration encourage introspection of behavior and communication, aiming to increase the success of teams as they engage in collaborative problem-solving."
"Collaboration is present in opposing goals exhibiting the notion of adversarial collaboration, though this is not a common use of the term."
"In its applied sense, '[a] collaboration is a purposeful relationship in which all parties strategically choose to cooperate in order to accomplish a shared outcome'."
"Trade between nations is a form of collaboration between two societies which produce and exchange different portfolios of goods."
"Collaboration (from Latin com- 'with' + laborare 'to labor', 'to work')"
"Collaboration is similar to cooperation."
"The form of leadership can be social within a decentralized and egalitarian group."
"Teams that work collaboratively often access greater resources, recognition and rewards when facing competition for finite resources."
"Structured methods of collaboration encourage introspection of behavior and communication, aiming to increase the success of teams as they engage in collaborative problem-solving."
"Collaboration is present in opposing goals exhibiting the notion of adversarial collaboration, though this is not a common use of the term."
"In its applied sense, '[a] collaboration is a purposeful relationship in which all parties strategically choose to cooperate in order to accomplish a shared outcome'."
"Trade between nations is a form of collaboration between two societies which produce and exchange different portfolios of goods."
"Structured methods of collaboration encourage introspection of behavior and communication, aiming to increase the success of teams as they engage in collaborative problem-solving."
"Collaboration is present in opposing goals exhibiting the notion of adversarial collaboration, though this is not a common use of the term."
"Most collaboration requires leadership, although the form of leadership can be social within a decentralized and egalitarian group."
"Teams that work collaboratively often access greater resources, recognition and rewards when facing competition for finite resources."
"Trade between nations is a form of collaboration between two societies which produce and exchange different portfolios of goods."