Assessing Informal Learning

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The different methods and tools used to assess the effectiveness of informal learning experiences, including observation, surveys, and interviews.

Definition of Informal Learning: Understanding what informal learning is and how it differs from formal learning is crucial when exploring this topic.
Theories of Informal Learning: There are various theoretical frameworks that explain how people learn informally, such as Vygotsky's Social Development Theory, Bandura's Social Learning Theory, and Siemens' Connectivism.
Types of Informal Learning: Informal learning happens in various settings, including the workplace, community, home, and social media. Understanding these different settings helps in assessing informal learning.
Characteristics of Informal Learning: Informal learning is characterized by learner- driven, self- directed, unstructured, non-sequential, and contextualized learning that has real-world relevance.
Assessing Informal Learning: Various approaches can be used to assess informal learning, such as interviews, observations, self-reflection, and portfolios.
Validity and Reliability: Ensuring that the assessment methods used for informal learning are valid and reliable is essential in getting an accurate measure of the learner's skills and knowledge.
Evaluation of Informal Learning: The evaluation process of informal learning assesses the effectiveness of the learning process and helps identify areas for further development.
Learning Pathways: Informal learning can be seen as part of lifelong learning. Thus, identifying learning pathways for individuals between formal and informal learning is crucial.
Utilizing Technology: Technology can help in assessing and evaluating informal learning, such as gamification, social media, and learning analytics.
Overcoming Barriers: Identifying barriers to informal learning and finding ways to overcome these barriers can help in promoting more effective informal learning experiences.
Collaboration and Community: Collaborating with others and engaging in a community of practice can enhance informal learning experiences and provide opportunities for further learning.
The Future of Informal Learning: Exploring the future of informal learning and how it is evolving in response to technological advances and societal changes.
Self-assessment: The individual assesses their own learning and development, reflecting on experiences and activities.
Peer assessment: Learners assess each other's learning and development, providing feedback and support.
Reflection: Encouraging learners to reflect on their experiences, to develop insights and understanding.
Observation: Trainers observe and record learners' behaviour and performance, providing feedback and suggesting areas for further development.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL): Recognising prior learning and experience that has not been formally assessed or accredited.
Surveys and questionnaires: Gathering feedback on learning experiences and processes, using survey tools and questionnaires.
Case studies: Collecting and analysing data, often through interviews and observation, to assess the impact of informal learning experiences.
Learning logs: Learners keeping a log or journal of their informal learning experiences, which can be reviewed and assessed.
Work-based assessments: Assessing learning and development that occurs within a work context, often through performance reviews and appraisals.
Portfolio assessments: Creating a portfolio of evidence and reflection, demonstrating learning and development through informal and formal learning experiences.
Digital Badges: Issuing digital badges to validate and recognise learners' informal learning achievements as well as their formal one.
"by a low degree of planning and organizing in terms of the learning context, learning support, learning time, and learning objectives"
"It has no set objective in terms of learning outcomes, but an intent to act from the learner's standpoint"
"trial and error or learning-by-doing, modeling, feedback, and reflection"
"heuristic language building, socialization, enculturation, and play"
"It is a pervasive ongoing phenomenon of learning via participation or learning via knowledge creation, in contrast with the traditional view of teacher-centered learning via knowledge acquisition"
"about 70-90 percent"
"non-formal learning, and self-directed learning"
"corporate training and education in relation to return on investment (ROI), or return on learning (ROL)"
"in relation to citizen science, or informal science education"
"reading self-selected books, participating in self-study programs, navigating performance support materials and systems, incidental skills practice, receptivity of coaching or mentoring, seeking advice from peers, or participation in communities of practice"
"flexibility and adaptation to learning needs, direct transfer of learning into practice, and rapid resolution of (work-related) problems"
"task execution"
"The conflated meaning of informal and non-formal learning explicates mechanisms of learning that organically occur outside the realm of traditional instructor-led programs"
"intent to act from the learner's standpoint (e.g., to solve a problem)"
"trial and error or learning-by-doing, modeling, feedback, and reflection"
"heuristic language building, socialization, enculturation, and play"
"about 70-90 percent"
"corporate training and education"
"non-formal learning"
"flexibility and adaptation to learning needs, direct transfer of learning into practice, and rapid resolution of (work-related) problems"