Technology and distance learning

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The use of technology and online platforms to facilitate adult learning, including e-learning and blended learning.

Learning Management Systems (LMS): LMS are tools used for delivering, managing and tracking learning content and assessing learner progress in an online environment. They typically include features such as course creation, scheduling, tracking, reporting, and evaluation.
E-Learning authoring tools: These tools are used for creating digital content, such as videos, quizzes, and interactive learning activities, for online courses.
Online teaching strategies: These strategies involve techniques and methods for delivering effective online instruction and facilitating collaboration among students.
Online assessment: This refers to methods of evaluating student learning remotely, such as quizzes, essays, discussion boards, and other interactive activities.
Instructional design: Instructional design is a process used to create effective and engaging learning experiences. It includes planning, creating, and evaluating learning activities that align with learning objectives.
Educational technology: This includes software, hardware, and tools used in educational settings to enhance teaching and learning. It may include devices such as projectors, tablets, and interactive whiteboards, as well as educational software and apps.
Multimedia and interactive learning: These are methods of learning that include the use of digital media, such as videos, audio, and images, as well as interactive tools and simulations.
Blended learning: This refers to a combination of online and face-to-face learning. Students participate in online activities and in-person sessions to reinforce and apply what they have learned.
Mobile learning: This refers to the use of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, for learning purposes. Mobile learning can provide learners with flexible and convenient access to learning content.
Gamification: This is a method of incorporating game elements into learning activities to engage learners and enhance their motivation, participation, and learning outcomes.
Virtual Classroom: An online platform where students and teachers can interact in real time through video conferencing.
Mobile Learning: Learning through a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): Online courses provided free of cost to a large number of students worldwide.
Self-paced Online Courses: Courses which can be completed at the students own pace.
Blended Learning: Combining online and offline learning, where students attend both virtual and traditional classroom sessions.
Webinars: Online seminars conducted through video conferencing software.
E-books and digital textbooks: Academic material provided in digital format.
Gamification: Learning through interactive games and simulations.
Augmented Reality-Based Learning: Learning through virtual reality or augmented reality which creates an immersive learning experience.
Educational Apps: Mobile applications containing educational content.
Podcasts: Audio recordings on educational topics which can be downloaded and listened to at any time.
Video Lessons: Pre-recorded video lessons which can be accessed at any time.
"Distance education, also known as distance learning, is the education of students who may not always be physically present at school, or where the learner and the teacher are separated in both time and distance."
"Traditionally, this usually involved correspondence courses wherein the student corresponded with the school via mail."
"Distance education is a technology-mediated modality and has evolved with the evolution of technologies such as video conferencing, TV, and the Internet."
"Today, it usually involves online education and the learning is usually mediated by some form of technology."
"A distance learning program can either be completely remote learning, or a combination of both online learning and traditional offline classroom instruction (called hybrid or blended)."
"Massive open online courses (MOOCs), offering large-scale interactive participation and open access through the World Wide Web or other network technologies, are recent educational modes in distance education."
"A number of other terms (distributed learning, e-learning, m-learning, online learning, virtual classroom, etc.) are used roughly synonymously with distance education."
"E-learning has shown to be a useful educational tool."
"E-learning should be an interactive process with multiple learning modes for all learners at various levels of learning."
"The distance learning environment is an exciting place to learn new things, collaborate with others, and retain self-discipline."
"...the student corresponded with the school via mail."
"...technologies such as video conferencing, TV, and the Internet."
"Distance education is a technology-mediated modality and has evolved with the evolution of technologies."
"A distance learning program can either be completely remote learning, or a combination of both online learning and traditional offline classroom instruction."
"A number of other terms (distributed learning, e-learning, m-learning, online learning, virtual classroom, etc.) are used roughly synonymously with distance education."
"Massive open online courses (MOOCs), offering large-scale interactive participation and open access through the World Wide Web or other network technologies, are recent educational modes in distance education."
"E-learning has shown to be a useful educational tool."
"E-learning should be an interactive process with multiple learning modes for all learners at various levels of learning."
"The distance learning environment is an exciting place to learn new things, collaborate with others, and retain self-discipline."
"A distance learning program can either be completely remote learning, or a combination of both online learning and traditional offline classroom instruction."