Labor Flows and Turnover

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This subfield investigates the patterns and factors influencing job turnover, job search, and labor mobility.

Labor market dynamics: Understanding the supply and demand of labor in the market, as well as forecasting labor trends and changes in job opportunities.
Wage determination: Investigating how wages are determined in the labor market and the impact of factors such as skills, education or experience on compensation.
Job search and matching: Studying how job seekers and employers find each other and the efficiency of the job matching process.
Turnover and retention: Analyzing the costs and benefits of employee turnover and retention strategies in organizations, including factors such as job satisfaction, job-related stress, and work-life balance.
Employee mobility: Investigating the movement of employees between different sectors, job types, or geographic locations.
Labor market regulations: Understanding the impact of labor laws and policies, such as minimum wage, overtime pay, or unemployment benefits, on the labor market and turnover rates.
Human capital development: Examining strategies for promoting human capital development and investing in employee training and development, including the advantages of such investments for organizations.
Discrimination in the workplace: Analyzing the role of demographic characteristics such as gender, race, ethnicity, or disability in job search, selection, and retention.
Skill-biased technological change: Investigating the impact of technological advancements and automation on job opportunities, turnover rates, and employment trends.
Globalization and labor flows: Analyzing the impact of international trade, immigration, and migration on labor markets and workforce mobility, including the challenges and opportunities for employers and employees.
Voluntary turnover: This refers to employees leaving their current positions by their own choice.
Involuntary turnover: This occurs when employers terminate the services of an employee.
Functional turnover: This occurs when low-performing employees leave but are replaced by equally qualified individuals.
Dysfunctional turnover: This happens when high-performing employees leave, leading to a loss of productivity and skill.
Internal labor markets: This involves the flow of employees within an organization, from one position to another.
External labor markets: This involves the hiring of new employees from outside an organization.
Outflow migration: This refers to the movement of individuals out of a particular geographic area, region, or country.
Inflow migration: This refers to the movement of individuals into a particular geographic area, region, or country.
Temporary labor flows: This involves the hiring of employees for a short period of time.
Seasonal labor flows: This involves the hiring of employees for a specific season or time period.
Cyclical labor flows: This involves the hiring of employees based on cyclical changes in the economy or industry.
Structural labor flows: This involves the changes in production processes, technology, or organization that lead to different types of jobs.
Occupational labor flows: This involves the movement of employees across occupations or industries.
Geographic labor flows: This the movement of employees across different regions, cities or countries based on job opportunities.
"Labor or worker mobility is the geographical and occupational movement of workers."
"Impediments to mobility are easily divided into two distinct classes."
"Personal impediments include physical location, and physical and mental ability."
"The systemic impediments include educational opportunities, various laws and political contrivances, and even barriers and hurdles arising from historical happenstance."
"Increasing and maintaining a high level of labor mobility allows a more efficient allocation of resources..."
"Increasing and maintaining a high level of labor mobility allows... greater productivity."
"Physical location [is] personal impediments..."
"Physical and mental ability [is] personal impediments..."
"The systemic impediments include educational opportunities..."
"The systemic impediments include... various laws and political contrivances..."
"Even barriers and hurdles arising from historical happenstance..."
"Impediments to mobility are easily divided into two distinct classes."
"Increasing and maintaining a high level of labor mobility allows a more efficient allocation of resources..."
"Increasing and maintaining a high level of labor mobility allows... greater productivity."
"Physical location [is] personal impediments..."
"Physical and mental ability [is] personal impediments..."
"The systemic impediments include educational opportunities..."
"The systemic impediments include... various laws and political contrivances..."
"Even barriers and hurdles arising from historical happenstance..."
"Increasing and maintaining a high level of labor mobility allows a more efficient allocation of resources..."