International Investment

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Investment by individuals or companies in foreign countries.

Quote: "A foreign direct investment (FDI) refers to purchase of an asset in another country, such that it gives direct control to the purchaser over the asset (e.g. purchase of land and building)."
Quote: "Purchase of land and building."
Quote: "It is thus distinguished from a foreign portfolio investment or foreign indirect investment by a notion of direct control."
Quote: "It is an investment in the form of a controlling ownership in a business."
Quote: "An investment in the form of controlling ownership in... real estate."
Quote: "An investment in the form of controlling ownership in... productive assets such as factories."
Quote: "By an entity based in another country."
Quote: "The investment may be made either 'inorganically' by buying a company in the target country..."
Quote: "The investment may be made... 'organically' by expanding the operations of an existing business in that country."
Quote: "The origin of the investment does not impact the definition, as an FDI..."
Quote: "An investment in the form of... purchase of land and building."
Quote: "Such that it gives direct control to the purchaser over the asset."
Quote: "It is an investment in the form of a controlling ownership in a business."
Quote: "An investment in the form of... real estate."
Quote: "An investment in the form of... factories."
Quote: "...distinguished from... foreign indirect investment by a notion of direct control."
Quote: "...distinguished from a foreign portfolio investment... by a notion of direct control."
Quote: "The investment may be made either 'inorganically' by buying a company in the target country."
Quote: "The investment may be made... 'organically' by expanding the operations of an existing business in that country."
Quote: "By an entity based in another country."