
Home > Earth Sciences > Geophysics > Geodesy

Study of the Earth's shape, size, and gravitational field, including the use of satellite technology to measure these quantities.

Fundamental concepts of Geodesy: This topic covers the basics of geodesy, including the definition of geodesy, its history, and its significance in various fields.
Earth's shape and size: This topic explains the shape and size of the Earth, the geoid, and other factors that influence the Earth's gravity.
Gravity field and its measurement: This topic covers the measurement of the Earth's gravity field, the concept of the geopotential, and various methods for measuring gravity.
Geodetic coordinates and systems: This topic covers longitude, latitude, and height, as well as different coordinate systems used in geodetic surveys.
Geodetic datums and their transformations: This topic explains the different geodetic datums and their importance in geodetic surveys. It also covers the transformation between different datums.
Satellite geodesy: This topic covers the basics of satellite geodesy, including GPS, GLONASS, and other navigation systems.
Geodetic surveying: This topic explains the principles and methods of geodetic surveying, including triangulation, trilateration, and leveling.
Geodetic data analysis: This topic covers methods of geodetic data analysis, including geodetic network adjustment, datum transformation, and interpolation.
Geodetic modeling: This topic covers geodetic modeling techniques used in geophysics, including the modeling of the Earth's gravity field, the geoid, and its variations.
Applications of geodesy: This topic covers various applications of geodesy, including geodetic mapping, deformation monitoring, land surveying, and geodetic control of satellite imagery.
Physical Geodesy: This type of Geodesy deals with the study of the Earth's gravitational field and its shape, size, and gravity anomalies through physical observations, models, and computations.
Satellite Geodesy: This type of Geodesy uses data obtained from artificial satellites to determine the Earth's shape, size, gravity field, and other geophysical parameters.
Altimetry Geodesy: Altimetry Geodesy utilizes data collected from radar altimeters on satellites to determine the topography of the ocean surface and sea level measurements.
Seismology: Seismology is the study of earthquakes and other seismic phenomena in the Earth's crust, mantle, and core. It helps to understand the structure and composition of the Earth's interior.
Geoid Geodesy: This type of Geodesy studies the Earth's geoid, a surface of constant gravitational potential that is used as a reference surface for measuring heights and depths on the Earth.
Cartography: This deals with the creation, interpretation, and use of maps and other spatial data that helps to study geographic phenomena.
Geodynamics: Geodynamics studies the dynamics of the Earth's crust and mantle, including plate tectonics, convection currents, and other phenomena related to the Earth's interior.
Geomagnetism: This studies the Earth's magnetic field and its variations, which helps to understand the structure and dynamics of the Earth's interior.
Marine Geodesy: This focuses specifically on the study of ocean depths, oceanic crust, and seafloor topography, along with its processes and dynamics.
Atmospheric Geodesy: This type of Geodesy studies the Earth's atmosphere and its interactions with the Earth's surface, including weather patterns, climate change, and atmospheric dynamics.
"Geodesy is the science of measuring and representing the geometry, gravity, and spatial orientation of the Earth in temporally varying 3D."
"It is called planetary geodesy when studying other astronomical bodies, such as planets or circumplanetary systems."
"Geodynamical phenomena, including crustal motion, tides, and polar motion, can be studied by designing global and national control networks..."
"Geodynamical phenomena, including crustal motion, tides, and polar motion, can be studied by designing global and national control networks..."
"...applying space geodesy and terrestrial geodetic techniques..."
"The job titles are geodesist and geodetic surveyor."
"...measuring and representing the geometry, gravity, and spatial orientation of the Earth in temporally varying 3D."
"Measuring and representing the geometry, gravity, and spatial orientation of the Earth in temporally varying 3D."
"It is called planetary geodesy when studying other astronomical bodies, such as planets or circumplanetary systems."
"Applying space geodesy and terrestrial geodetic techniques..."
"...studying geodynamical phenomena, including crustal motion, tides, and polar motion, by designing global and national control networks..."
"Geodynamical phenomena, including crustal motion, tides, and polar motion, can be studied..."
"The job titles are geodesist and geodetic surveyor."
"...measuring and representing the geometry, gravity, and spatial orientation of the Earth in temporally varying 3D."
"The science of measuring and representing the geometry, gravity, and spatial orientation of the Earth..."
"...geodynamical phenomena, including crustal motion, tides, and polar motion, by designing global and national control networks, applying space geodesy..."
"Geodynamical phenomena, including crustal motion, tides, and polar motion..."
"...relying on datums and coordinate systems."
"It is called planetary geodesy when studying other astronomical bodies, such as planets or circumplanetary systems."
"...measuring and representing the geometry, gravity, and spatial orientation of the Earth in temporally varying 3D."