"Methanogenesis or biomethanation is the formation of methane coupled to energy conservation by microbes known as methanogens."
The production of methane gas by biological processes.
Microbial communities: The study of the diverse microorganisms involved in methanogenesis and their interactions with each other and their environment.
Carbon cycling: The process by which carbon flows through different ecosystems and is transformed through different biochemical reactions including methanogenesis.
Energy metabolism: The study of the energy sources used by methanogenic microorganisms including organic matter and other electron donors.
Anaerobic respiration: The process of respiration that occurs in the absence of oxygen, which is necessary for methanogenesis.
Geochemistry: The study of the chemical interactions between rocks, minerals, water, and the atmosphere, which can influence the production and consumption of methane.
Paleobiology: The study of ancient life through fossils and other geological evidence, which can provide insight into the origins and evolution of methanogenesis and other metabolic processes.
Biogeochemistry: The study of the chemical interactions between living organisms and their environment, including the production and consumption of methane by microorganisms.
Microbial ecology: The study of the interactions between microorganisms and their environment, including the physical and chemical factors that influence methanogenesis.
Bioinformatics: The use of computational tools to analyze and interpret biological data, including genomic and metagenomic data from methanogenic microorganisms.
Microbial physiology: The study of the metabolic processes and biochemical reactions that occur within individual microorganisms, including those involved in methanogenesis.
Environmental microbiology: The study of the role of microorganisms in shaping the natural world, including the role of methanogenic microorganisms in the global carbon cycle.
Biotechnology: The use of biological processes and organisms to develop new products and technologies, including the potential applications of methanogenesis in renewable energy production and waste treatment.
Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis: This is the most common type of methanogenesis, where methane is produced through reduction of CO2 using hydrogen gas. This type of methanogenesis occurs in freshwater and marine sediments and soils.
Acetoclastic methanogenesis: In this process, methane is produced by the anaerobic degradation of organic acids, with acetate being the primary precursor substrate. This type of methanogenesis is common in anaerobic digesters and wastewater treatment plants.
Methylotrophic methanogenesis: This is the least common type of methanogenesis, where methane is produced from the metabolism of methyl compounds such as methylamines or methanol. This type of methanogenesis is typically found in marine sediments and deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
Iron reduction methanogenesis: This process occurs in marine sediments and is accompanied by the reduction of iron minerals that release electrons that are used to reduce CO2 to methane gas.
Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM): In this process, methane is consumed by anaerobic microorganisms that use it as an electron donor, while sulfate (SO4) or nitrate (NO3) serves as the electron acceptor. The end products of this process are CO2, H2O, and reduced sulfate or nitrate.
Syntrophic methanogenesis: This type of methanogenesis is a symbiotic relationship where two or more microorganisms work together to produce methane. For instance, a fatty acid oxidizing bacterium and a hydrogen producing bacterium cooperate to produce methane from organic substrates.
"Organisms capable of producing methane for energy conservation have been identified only from the domain Archaea."
"Organisms capable of producing methane for energy conservation have been identified only from the domain Archaea, a group phylogenetically distinct from both eukaryotes and bacteria."
"Many live in close association with anaerobic bacteria."
"The production of methane is an important and widespread form of microbial metabolism."
"In anoxic environments, it is the final step in the decomposition of biomass."
"Methanogenesis is responsible for significant amounts of natural gas accumulations."
"The remainder being thermogenic."
"[Methane] formation... [is] coupled to energy conservation by microbes known as methanogens."
"Methanogenesis... occurs in anoxic environments."
"Organisms capable of producing methane for energy conservation have been identified only from the domain Archaea."
"Many live in close association with anaerobic bacteria."
"The production of methane is an important and widespread form of microbial metabolism."
"In anoxic environments, it is the final step in the decomposition of biomass."
"Methanogenesis... occurs in anoxic environments."
"Methanogenesis is responsible for significant amounts of natural gas accumulations."
"Organisms capable of producing methane for energy conservation have been identified only from the domain Archaea."
"Microbes known as methanogens."
"[Methane] formation... [is] coupled to energy conservation by microbes known as methanogens."
"The remainder being thermogenic."