"An extremophile is an organism that is able to live (or in some cases thrive) in extreme environments, i.e. environments with conditions approaching or expanding the limits of what known life can adapt to."
Those organisms that live in extreme conditions such as high temperature, pH, pressure, and salt content.
Geobiology: The study of the interactions between life and the Earth's environment.
Extreme environments: Places where life survives under extreme conditions such as high temperatures, pressure, or acidity.
Extremophiles: Microorganisms that can survive under extreme conditions.
Thermophiles: Microorganisms that can thrive in high temperatures.
Psychrophiles: Microorganisms that can survive in very low temperatures.
Acidophiles: Microorganisms that can withstand acidic environments.
Halophiles: Microorganisms that can live in very salty environments.
Hyperthermophiles: Microorganisms that can survive in temperatures above 80°C.
Radiation-resistant organisms: Microorganisms that can withstand high levels of radiation.
Astrobiology: The study of life in the universe, including the search for life on other planets that may have extreme environments.
Metagenomics: The study of genetic material obtained directly from environmental samples.
Proteomics: The study of the entire complement of proteins produced by an organism.
Evolution: The process of gradual change in the inherited characteristics of living organisms over generations.
Biochemistry: The study of the chemical processes that occur within living organisms.
Microbial ecology: The study of the interactions between microorganisms and their environment, including other organisms and abiotic factors.
Thermophiles: These are organisms that thrive in extremely high temperatures ranging from 60°C to 120°C. Examples include Thermus aquaticus, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius.
Psychrophiles: These are organisms that thrive in extremely cold temperatures ranging from -15°C to 10°C. Example: Psychrobacter.
Acidophiles: These are organisms that thrive in extremely acidic environments with low pH ranging from 0-3. Example: Acidithiobacillus.
Alkaliphiles: These are organisms that thrive in extremely alkaline environments with high pH ranging from 9-11. Example: Natronomonas.
Halophiles: These are organisms that thrive in extremely salty environments ranging from 2M to 6M salt concentration. Example: Haloarcula.
Barophiles (or piezophiles): These are organisms that thrive in high-pressure environments, such as deep-sea trenches. Example: Shewanella.
Xerophiles: These are organisms that thrive in extremely dry environments with low water availability. Example: Xeromyces bisporus.
Metallophilic extremophiles: These are organisms that thrive in environments with high concentrations of heavy metals, such as copper and arsenic. Example: Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans.
Radiophilic extremophiles: These are organisms that can thrive in environments with high levels of radiation, such as soil around Chernobyl. Example: Deinococcus radiodurans.
Oligotrophs: These are organisms that can grow in nutrient-poor environments. Example: Pelagibacter ubique.
"Extreme temperature, radiation, salinity, or pH level."
"...these organisms can be considered ecologically dominant in the evolutionary history of the planet."
"Some spores and cocooned bacteria samples have been dormant for more than 40 million years."
"Extremophiles have continued to thrive in the most extreme conditions."
"The study of extremophiles has expanded human knowledge of the limits of life."
"The study of extremophiles informs speculation about extraterrestrial life."
"...because of their potential for bioremediation of environments made hazardous to humans due to pollution or contamination."
"Extremophile (from Latin extremus 'extreme', and Ancient Greek φιλία (philía) 'love')."
"The definition of an extreme environment is relative to an arbitrarily defined standard, often an anthropocentric one."
"An extremophile is able to live (or in some cases thrive) in extreme environments, i.e. environments with extreme temperature."
"An extremophile is able to live (or in some cases thrive) in extreme environments, i.e. environments with extreme radiation."
"An extremophile is able to live (or in some cases thrive) in extreme environments, i.e. environments with extreme salinity."
"An extremophile is able to live (or in some cases thrive) in extreme environments, i.e., environments with extreme pH level."
"These organisms can be considered ecologically dominant in the evolutionary history of the planet."
"The study of extremophiles has expanded human knowledge of the limits of life."
"The study of extremophiles informs speculation about extraterrestrial life."
"Extremophiles are of interest because of their potential for bioremediation of environments made hazardous to humans due to pollution or contamination."
"Extremophile (from Latin extremus 'extreme', and Ancient Greek φιλία (philía) 'love')."
"Some spores and cocooned bacteria samples have been dormant for more than 40 million years."