"Within the atmospheric sciences, atmospheric physics is the application of physics to the study of the atmosphere."
Study of the physical processes that occur in the Earth's atmosphere, such as radiation, heat transfer, and precipitation.
"Atmospheric physicists attempt to model Earth's atmosphere and the atmospheres of the other planets."
"Atmospheric physicists use fluid flow equations, radiation budget, and energy transfer processes in the atmosphere."
"Atmospheric physics has close links to meteorology and climatology."
"Atmospheric physicists employ elements of scattering theory, wave propagation models, cloud physics, statistical mechanics, and spatial statistics which are highly mathematical and related to physics."
"Atmospheric physicists study how energy transfer processes in the atmosphere tie into boundary systems such as the oceans."
"Atmospheric physics covers the design and construction of instruments for studying the atmosphere and the interpretation of the data they provide, including remote sensing instruments."
"Aeronomy became a subdiscipline concerning the upper layers of the atmosphere, where dissociation and ionization are important."
"At the dawn of the space age and the introduction of sounding rockets, aeronomy became a subdiscipline concerning the upper layers of the atmosphere."
"Atmospheric physicists employ elements of scattering theory, wave propagation models, cloud physics, statistical mechanics, and spatial statistics which are highly mathematical and related to physics in order to model weather systems."
"Atmospheric physicists attempt to model Earth's atmosphere and the atmospheres of the other planets."
"Atmospheric physics covers the design and construction of instruments for studying the atmosphere."
"Atmospheric physicists use fluid flow equations, radiation budget, and energy transfer processes in the atmosphere."
"Atmospheric physics has close links to meteorology and climatology."
"Atmospheric physicists employ spatial statistics which are highly mathematical and related to physics."
"Atmospheric physicists study how energy transfer processes in the atmosphere tie into boundary systems such as the oceans."
"Atmospheric physics is the application of physics to the study of the atmosphere."
"Aeronomy became a subdiscipline concerning the upper layers of the atmosphere, where dissociation and ionization are important."
"Atmospheric physics covers the design and construction of instruments for studying the atmosphere and the interpretation of the data they provide, including remote sensing instruments."
"Atmospheric physicists employ elements of scattering theory, wave propagation models, cloud physics, statistical mechanics, and spatial statistics which are highly mathematical and related to physics."