"Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) (or climate resilient agriculture) is an integrated approach to managing land to help adapt agricultural methods, livestock and crops to the effects of climate change and, where possible, counteract it by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, while taking into account the growing world population to ensure food security."
Agricultural practices that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving carbon sequestration, and increasing the resilience of food systems in the face of climate change.
Climate change and its impacts on agriculture: This topic explores the effects of climate change on agriculture, including extreme weather conditions, changes in temperature and rainfall patterns, and the resulting impacts on crops, livestock, and food supply.
Sustainable farming practices: This topic explores various sustainable farming practices such as conservation agriculture, intercropping, crop rotation, and agroforestry that can mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Soil health and management: This topic focuses on maintaining soil health, avoiding soil erosion and degradation, and improving soil fertility using organic methods.
Water management: This topic explores efficient water use, minimizing waste and pollution, and improving water quality to ensure sustainable food production.
Renewable energy and energy efficiency: This explores the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency in agricultural practices.
Agroecology systems: This topic explores the ecological relationships between plants, animals, and environmental factors to enhance soil fertility and promote biodiversity.
Crop breeding and genetic improvements: This topic explores the development of new crop varieties through selective breeding and genetic engineering for enhanced productivity, disease resistance, and climate resilience.
Agricultural policies and regulations: This topic focuses on the policies and regulations that r4elate to sustainable food systems and climate-smart agriculture to promote resilient and efficient food production systems.
Livestock management: This topic explores different livestock management strategies, including feed management, animal breeding, and improving animal health and welfare.
Agroforestry: This topic explores the integration of trees into agricultural systems to promote sustainable agriculture, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and increase biodiversity.
Food systems resilience and access: This topic explores food system resilience, including food accessibility, food supply chain efficiency, and quality and safety standards.
Farmer livelihoods and alternative income sources: This topic focuses on alternative income sources to farming, including income diversification and value-adding activities which can improve farmers' livelihoods and financial resilience.
Climate adaptation and risk management: This topic explores the various adaption strategies that farmers can use to manage weather risks and promote climate-resilient agricultural systems.
Digital agriculture and precision farming: This topic explores the use of modern technology, including precision agriculture, machine learning, and remote sensing to enhance efficiency, reduce waste and optimize food production systems.
Conservation Agriculture (CA): CA is an approach to farming that prioritizes soil health and biodiversity by minimizing soil disturbance, maintaining soil cover, and rotating crops. This approach promotes the use of minimum tillage, cover crops, and crop rotations to reduce soil erosion and improve fertility.
Agroforestry: Combining trees and crops in the same land can provide a range of ecological and economic benefits such as soil conservation, carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, crop diversification, and an increase in crop yields.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM): IPM is a method of pest management that relies on a range of techniques to minimize chemical use and prevent pest damage, such as crop rotation, natural predators, resistant crops, and biological controls.
Sustainable water management: Efficient water management practices including soil conservation, water storage and monitoring, and the use of drought-tolerant crop varieties.
Climate-resilient seeds: Developing crop varieties that can withstand extreme weather events and changing climate conditions ensures reliable yields over time.
Livestock management: Sustainable animal production practices including reducing the use of antibiotics and vaccines, regulating feed production and consumption, and repurposing animal waste.
Diversified cropping systems: Diversification of crop systems that include sustainability practices can provide economic, social, and ecological benefits in the food chain. It enhances the resilience of the agriculture sector against climate change.
"The emphasis is not simply on carbon farming or sustainable agriculture, but also on increasing agricultural productivity."
"...supports FAO’s goal to make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and more sustainable."
"CSA has three pillars: increasing agricultural productivity and incomes; adapting and building resilience to climate change; and reducing or removing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture."
"For example, in regards to rising temperatures and heat stress, CSA recommends the production of heat tolerant crop varieties, mulching, water management, shade house, boundary trees, carbon sequestration, and appropriate housing and spacing for cattle."
"CSA seeks to stabilize crop production while mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change and maximize food security."
"In order for CSA policies to be effective, they must be able to contribute to broader economic growth, the sustainable development goals and poverty reduction."
"They must also be integrated with disaster risk management strategies, actions, and social safety net programmes."
"CSA is in line with FAO’s vision for Sustainable Food and Agriculture."
"The emphasis is not simply on carbon farming or sustainable agriculture, but also on increasing agricultural productivity."
"...where possible, counteract [climate change] by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, while taking into account the growing world population to ensure food security."
"There are different actions listed to counter the future challenges for crops and plants."
"There are attempts to mainstream CSA into core government policies, expenditures and planning frameworks."
"Reducing or removing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture."
"CSA recommends... water management."
"They must also be integrated with disaster risk management strategies, actions, and social safety net programmes."
"Adapting and building resilience to climate change."
"For example, in regards to rising temperatures and heat stress, CSA recommends... appropriate housing and spacing for cattle."
"In order for CSA policies to be effective, they must be able to contribute to broader economic growth, the sustainable development goals and poverty reduction."
"...supports FAO’s goal to make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and more sustainable."