Techniques for reducing waste and repurposing leftovers.
Composting: This involves the process of breaking down organic waste to create nutrient-rich soil for gardening and farming.
Food preservation: Techniques for preserving food such as canning, pickling, fermenting, and dehydrating to reduce spoilage and waste.
Sustainable agriculture: Farming practices that prioritize environmental protection, animal welfare, and healthy food production.
Food waste reduction: Strategies to minimize food waste at all stages of the farm-to-table process including inventory management, portion control, and meal planning.
Locally sourced ingredients: Seeking out and utilizing locally grown produce and sustainable sources of meat, dairy, and seafood to reduce the carbon footprint of food transportation.
Plant-based cooking: Incorporating more vegan and vegetarian dishes into menus to reduce the environmental impact of meat production and consumption.
Cooking with scraps: Utilizing typically discarded parts of vegetables and fruits to create tasty meals and reduce waste.
Sustainable packaging: Using eco-friendly packaging materials that are recyclable, reusable, and/or made from sustainable sources to reduce waste and pollution.
Farm-to-school programs: Initiatives that promote healthy, locally sourced meals in schools and encourage student engagement with agriculture and environmental sustainability.
Community gardens: Programs that provide access to gardening spaces in urban areas and promote community involvement in food production and environmental stewardship.
Composting: It is the process of breaking down organic waste into nutrient-rich compost that can be used for fertilizing soil.
Recycling: The process of using waste as raw materials to create new products.
Food Recovery: The practice of collecting and distributing unsold, edible food to those in need.
Meal Planning: Planning meals in advance to avoid waste.
Preservation: Using techniques such as canning, pickling, and drying to preserve food and extend its shelf life.
Zero Waste Cooking: Using every part of the ingredient, including the skins, stems, and seeds.
Source Reduction: Reducing waste by choosing products with less packaging or by buying in bulk.
Donating: Donating unused or excess food to a food bank, soup kitchen, or shelter.
Conscious Consumption: Buying only what is needed and avoiding impulse purchases.
Reusable Containers: Using reusable containers instead of single-use containers for storing food.