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A popular NoSQL document-oriented database.

NoSQL databases: Understanding the fundamental differences between SQL and NoSQL databases, and why MongoDB is classified as a document-oriented NoSQL database.
Document data model: Understanding the concept of documents as the basic unit of data storage in MongoDB, and how it differs from the traditional table-based data storage model of SQL.
JSON data format: Understanding the JSON data format, which is used by MongoDB to store and communicate data, and how to work with it effectively.
BSON data format: Understanding the binary representation of JSON, or BSON, which is used by MongoDB for efficient data storage and retrieval.
CRUD operations: Understanding the basic Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations that are used to manipulate data in MongoDB.
Query language: Understanding the MongoDB query language, which is used to retrieve and manipulate data within a collection.
Indexing: Understanding the different types of indexes that can be used in MongoDB to optimize query performance, and how to create and use them.
Aggregation framework: Understanding the MongoDB aggregation framework, which provides powerful tools for performing complex data analysis and aggregation operations.
Data modeling: Understanding how to design effective data models that take advantage of MongoDB's flexible document-based data storage.
Schema design: Understanding how to create and manage schema validation rules to ensure data consistency and quality.
Scaling and sharding: Understanding the techniques used to scale MongoDB deployments horizontally, by distributing data across multiple nodes using sharding.
Replication and high availability: Understanding the benefits and techniques of replicating MongoDB data across multiple nodes for fault-tolerance and high availability.
Security and authentication: Understanding the various security measures that can be implemented in MongoDB to protect data from unauthorized access, and how to set up authentication and authorization.
Backup and recovery: Understanding the different backup and recovery mechanisms that can be used in MongoDB to ensure data durability and availability.
Integration with other tools and platforms: Understanding how to integrate MongoDB with other web development tools and platforms, such as Node.js, Express.js, and React.
MongoDB Community Server: This is a free and open-source version of MongoDB that is maintained by the MongoDB community.
MongoDB Atlas: It is the fully-managed cloud service from MongoDB. Atlas offers automatic scaling and high availability, with no need for manual sharding.
MongoDB Stitch: It is a serverless platform that allows developers to build functions that run on demand, directly from the database.
MongoDB Ops Manager: It is a tool for managing MongoDB deployments in production environments. Ops Manager offers automated backups, monitoring, and management capabilities.
MongoDB Enterprise Server: It is a commercial version of MongoDB that is designed for enterprise-level applications. This version offers advanced security features, support, and consulting services.
MongoDB Mobile: It is designed for mobile and IoT applications that need a database that can run offline. MongoDB Mobile offers real-time synchronization and conflict resolution for mobile devices.
Realm: It is a platform for building mobile and web applications that offers seamless data synchronization across devices and platforms.
"MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program."
"MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas."
"MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc."
"Current versions are licensed under the Server Side Public License (SSPL)."
"SSPL is considered non-free by some organizations and distributions."
"MongoDB is a member of the MACH Alliance."
"Classified as a NoSQL database program..."
"MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas."
"MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program."
"...licensed under the Server Side Public License (SSPL)..."
"...considered non-free by some organizations and distributions."
"MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc."
"MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas."
"MongoDB is a member of the MACH Alliance."
No quote in the provided paragraph answers this question.
"MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas."
No quote in the provided paragraph explicitly answers this question.
"SSPL is considered non-free by some organizations and distributions."
No quote in the provided paragraph answers this question.
"MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program."