
Home > Computer Science > Theory of Computation > Cryptography

It deals with the design of algorithms and protocols for secure communication, including aspects such as confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity.

Encryption: The process of converting plaintext into ciphertext to preserve the confidentiality of the message.
Decryption: The process of converting ciphertext back into plaintext to recover the original message.
Cryptosystems: A set of cryptographic algorithms and protocols used to protect sensitive information.
Symmetric key cryptography: A type of encryption where the same secret key is used for both encryption and decryption.
Asymmetric key cryptography: A type of encryption where a publicly known key is used for encryption and a privately known key is used for decryption.
Hash functions: A mathematical function used to convert data of arbitrary size to a fixed-size output that is used for integrity checking or message authentication.
Digital signatures: An electronic method of verifying the authenticity and integrity of a message or document.
Key exchange protocols: A cryptographic protocol used to exchange keys securely over a public channel.
Steganography: The practice of concealing information within other non-secret text or data to prevent detection.
Cryptanalysis: The study and practice of breaking codes and ciphers to decipher hidden messages.
Symmetric Cryptography: This type of cryptography involves using the same key for both encryption and decryption of the message.
Asymmetric Cryptography: This type of cryptography involves using two different keys for encryption and decryption of the message. This technique is also known as public-key cryptography.
Hybrid Cryptography: This type of cryptography is a combination of both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, allowing for secure communication between parties.
Block Ciphers: This type of cryptography involves breaking the message up into blocks and then encrypting each block using a key.
Stream Ciphers: This type of cryptography involves encrypting the message one bit at a time, using a key.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography: This form of public-key cryptography is based on the mathematical structure of elliptic curves.
Quantum Cryptography: This type of cryptography uses the principles of quantum mechanics to provide secure communication.
Homomorphic Encryption: This type of cryptography allows for computation to be performed on encrypted data, without the need for decryption.
Zero-Knowledge Proof: This type of cryptography allows a user to prove something without revealing any information about it.
Hash Functions: This type of cryptography is used to generate fixed-length, unique representations of data.
- "Cryptography, or cryptology, is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of adversarial behavior."
- "Modern cryptography exists at the intersection of the disciplines of mathematics, computer science, information security, electrical engineering, digital signal processing, physics, and others."
- "Core concepts related to information security (data confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation) are also central to cryptography."
- "Practical applications of cryptography include electronic commerce, chip-based payment cards, digital currencies, computer passwords, and military communications."
- "Cryptography prior to the modern age was effectively synonymous with encryption, converting readable information (plaintext) to unintelligible nonsense text (ciphertext), which can only be read by reversing the process (decryption)."
- "The sender of an encrypted (coded) message shares the decryption (decoding) technique only with the intended recipients to preclude access from adversaries."
- "The cryptography literature often uses the names 'Alice' (or 'A') for the sender, 'Bob' (or 'B') for the intended recipient, and 'Eve' (or 'E') for the eavesdropping adversary."
- "Since the development of rotor cipher machines in World War I and the advent of computers in World War II, cryptography methods have become increasingly complex and their applications more varied."
- "Modern cryptography is heavily based on mathematical theory and computer science practice; cryptographic algorithms are designed around computational hardness assumptions."
- "Such schemes, if well designed, are therefore termed 'computationally secure'."
- "Theoretical advances (e.g., improvements in integer factorization algorithms) and faster computing technology require these designs to be continually reevaluated and, if necessary, adapted."
- "While it is theoretically possible to break into a well-designed system, it is infeasible in actual practice to do so."
- "Information-theoretically secure schemes that provably cannot be broken even with unlimited computing power, such as the one-time pad, are much more difficult to use in practice than the best theoretically breakable but computationally secure schemes."
- "The growth of cryptographic technology has raised a number of legal issues in the Information Age."
- "Cryptography's potential for use as a tool for espionage and sedition has led many governments to classify it as a weapon and to limit or even prohibit its use and export."
- "In some jurisdictions where the use of cryptography is legal, laws permit investigators to compel the disclosure of encryption keys for documents relevant to an investigation."
- "Cryptography also plays a major role in digital rights management and copyright infringement disputes with regard to digital media."