Adaptive Signal Processing

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Adaptive filters, LMS algorithm, RLS algorithm, and applications in noise cancellation, system identification, and channel equalization.

"An adaptive filter is a system with a linear filter that has a transfer function controlled by variable parameters and a means to adjust those parameters according to an optimization algorithm."
"Because of the complexity of the optimization algorithms, almost all adaptive filters are digital filters."
"Adaptive filters are required for some applications because some parameters of the desired processing operation are not known in advance or are changing."
"The closed loop adaptive filter uses feedback in the form of an error signal to refine its transfer function."
"The closed loop adaptive process involves the use of a cost function, which is a criterion for optimum performance, to feed an algorithm, which determines how to modify the filter's transfer function."
"The most common cost function is the mean square of the error signal."
"As the power of digital signal processors has increased, adaptive filters have become much more common and are now routinely used in devices such as mobile phones and other communication devices, camcorders and digital cameras, and medical monitoring equipment."
"An adaptive filter has a linear filter that has a transfer function controlled by variable parameters."
"Because of the complexity of the optimization algorithms, almost all adaptive filters are digital filters."
"The locations of reflective surfaces in a reverberant space."
"An algorithm determines how to modify the filter's transfer function."
"An error signal is used as feedback for an adaptive filter."
"The cost function is a criterion for optimum performance of the filter."
"Adaptive filters are now routinely used in devices such as mobile phones and other communication devices."
"Adaptive filters have become much more common."
"Adaptive filters are routinely used in camcorders and digital cameras."
"Adaptive filters are routinely used in medical monitoring equipment."
"The cost function is a criterion for optimum performance of the filter."
"The transfer function of an adaptive filter is controlled by variable parameters."
"The main goal of adaptive filters is to minimize the cost on the next iteration."