Computer Animation

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Computer Animation is the process of creating motion and shape change with computer programs. It includes techniques like keyframing, inverse kinematics, and motion capture.

"Computer animation is the process used for digitally generating animations."
"The more general term computer-generated imagery (CGI) encompasses both static scenes (still images) and dynamic images (moving images)."
"Computer animation only refers to moving images."
"Modern computer animation usually uses 3D computer graphics to generate a three-dimensional picture."
"Computer-generated animations allow a single graphic artist to produce such content without using actors, expensive set pieces, or props."
"To create the illusion of movement, an image is displayed on the computer monitor and repeatedly replaced by a new similar image but advanced slightly in time."
"The differences in appearance between key frames are automatically calculated by the computer in a process known as tweening or morphing."
"For 3D animations, all frames must be rendered after the modeling is complete."
"For pre-recorded presentations, the rendered frames are transferred to a different format or medium, like digital video."
"Low bandwidth animations transmitted via the internet often use the software on the end user's computer to render in real-time as an alternative to streaming or pre-loaded high bandwidth animations."
"The more general term computer-generated imagery (CGI) encompasses both static scenes (still images) and dynamic images (moving images)."
"Computer animation is essentially a digital successor to stop motion techniques, but using 3D models and traditional animation techniques using frame-by-frame animation of 2D illustrations."
"Computer-generated animations allow a single graphic artist to produce such content without using actors, expensive set pieces, or props."
"This technique is identical to how the illusion of movement is achieved with television and motion pictures."
"The differences in appearance between key frames are automatically calculated by the computer in a process known as tweening or morphing."
"For 3D animations, all frames must be rendered after the modeling is complete."
"For pre-recorded presentations, the rendered frames are transferred to a different format or medium, like digital video."
"Low bandwidth animations transmitted via the internet often use the software on the end user's computer to render in real-time as an alternative to streaming or pre-loaded high bandwidth animations."
"Computer animation only refers to moving images."
"To create the illusion of movement, an image is displayed on the computer monitor and repeatedly replaced by a new similar image but advanced slightly in time."