Color Models

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Color models are mathematical representations of colors on a computer. They help to create images that look realistic to the human eye.

RGB Color Model: The primary additive color model used to create colors on computer displays and televisions.
CMYK Color Model: The subtraction color model used in printing, where colors are created from mixing cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks.
HSL Color Model: A cylindrical coordinate system that describes colors by hue, saturation, and lightness.
HSV Color Model: Similar to HSL, but instead of lightness, it uses value to describe color intensity.
Color Gamut: The range of colors that can be displayed or printed within a color model.
Color Space: A specific implementation of a color model, such as sRGB or Adobe RGB.
Color Depth: The number of bits used to represent each color in an image, which determines the number of colors that can be displayed.
Color Calibration: The process of adjusting the colors of a display or printer to ensure accurate representation of colors.
Color Correction: The process of adjusting the colors of an image to correct for any color imbalances or inaccuracies.
Color Management: The system used to ensure consistent and accurate color representation across different devices and software applications.
Color Temperature: A measure of the warmth or coolness of a color, measured in Kelvin.
Color Palettes: Collections of colors used for a specific design or purpose, such as a website or branding.
Color Theory: The study of how colors interact with each other and how they can be used to evoke emotions and convey meaning in design.
Color Blindness: A condition where individuals have difficulty distinguishing between certain colors, which can have implications for design and accessibility.
Color Gradients: Smooth transitions between two or more colors, used in design and visualization to represent value or data changes.
RGB (Red, Green, Blue): Primary additive color model used for digital displays, combining different intensities of the three primary colors to create a wide range of hues.
CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black): Primary subtractive color model used for print, combining different amounts of cyan, magenta, and yellow inks to produce a color range, with black being added for depth and contrast.
HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness): Color model that describes color using three components: hue (the color itself), saturation (the intensity or purity of the color), and lightness (the brightness of the color).
HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value): Similar to HSL, but with the value component instead of lightness, which represents the brightness of a color relative to its own shade of gray.
YUV (Luma, Chrominance): Used in video encoding, separates color information into two parts: luma (brightness) and chrominance (color). YUV can be converted to and from other color models such as RGB.
LAB (Lightness, A, B): A perceptual color space that models color based on how humans perceive it, with three components: lightness (L), and the opponent color dimensions of green–red (A) and blue–yellow (B).
XYZ (CIE 1931): A color model based on CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage) standards for modeling human color perception. It measures the amount and type of light a color emits or reflects, and defines colors using three components: X, Y, and Z.
Hexadecimal: A color model used in web design and coding, representing a color using a six-digit code that combines red, green and blue values converted to hexadecimal notation.
HSY (Hue, Saturation, Luma): Similar to HSV, but with the luma component instead of value, which represents the perceived brightness of a color.
Pantone: A proprietary color model used in the printing industry, with a range of standardized swatches representing various colors that can be matched precisely in print.
"A color model is an abstract mathematical model describing the way colors can be represented as tuples of numbers, typically as three or four values or color components."
"Colors can be represented as tuples of numbers, typically as three or four values or color components."
"The resulting set of colors is called 'color space.'"
"The components are to be interpreted (viewing conditions, etc.), taking account of visual perception."
"This article describes ways in which human color vision can be modeled."
"...describes ways in which human color vision can be modeled..."
"The resulting set of colors is called 'color space.'"
"A color model is an abstract mathematical model..."
"...discusses some of the models in common use."
"...colors can be represented as tuples of numbers, typically as three or four values or color components."
"...taking account of visual perception."
"The resulting set of colors is called 'color space.'"
"A color model is an abstract mathematical model..."
"...tuples of numbers, typically as three or four values or color components."
"Viewing conditions, etc."
"Taking account of visual perception..."
"When this model is associated with a precise description of how the components are to be interpreted... the resulting set of colors is called 'color space.'"
"This article describes ways in which human color vision can be modeled."
"...ways in which human color vision can be modeled..."
"...discusses some of the models in common use."