The use of automation and orchestration tools and frameworks to manage and streamline cloud-based operations and workflows.
Cloud computing: Covers the basics of cloud computing, its deployment models, and the four essential cloud service models: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and FaaS.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): The process of managing and provisioning computer data centers through machine-readable definition files, rather than interactive configuration tools.
DevOps: The combination of software development and IT operations to automate deployment pipelines, quality assurance, and infrastructure management.
Configuration management: The practice of establishing and maintaining the configuration of IT infrastructure across an enterprise for consistency and reduced downtime.
Orchestration: Automating and coordinating various cloud services and applications to work together seamlessly, typically in a cloud environment.
Containerization: The process of encapsulating software applications and dependencies within a container to improve portability and flexibility.
Microservices: The practice of developing software applications as small, independent services that collaborate through APIs, rather than as a monolithic application.
API-driven infrastructure: Leveraging APIs to automate and streamline IT infrastructure management and deployment.
Continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD): The practice of constantly merging code changes into a shared repository and continuously deploying them to production.
Infrastructure automation: The practice of automating tasks associated with managing IT infrastructure, such as provisioning, configuring, and deploying resources.
Cloud service provider (CSP) specific technologies: Familiarity with cloud provider-specific technologies and tools to deploy, manage, and operate cloud infrastructure.
Cloud security: Ensuring cloud security by understanding different security protocols, practices, and compliance requirements.
Cloud migration: Moving applications and data from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud.
Infrastructure monitoring: Monitoring infrastructure and cloud services for uptime, performance, and security threats.
Cloud data management: Managing data across different cloud providers and locations, including backup and disaster recovery.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): A process that manages and provisions infrastructure through code scripts that define how the infrastructure should be configured and deployed.
Continuous Integration (CI): A practice of frequently pushing code changes to a shared repository and automating build and testing processes to detect and resolve any issues.
Continuous Deployment (CD): A practice of automatically deploying code changes to production environments as soon as they pass the testing phase.
Configuration Management (CM): A process of managing and maintaining a consistent state of a system's configuration across all environments.
Cloud Provisioning: An automated process of provisioning resources such as servers, storage, networking, and software on-demand from the cloud.
DevOps Automation: A practice of automating the software development and deployment process by integrating development and operations activities.
Serverless Computing: An architecture in which developers can run their code without managing the underlying infrastructure.
Containerization: A process of deploying and running software applications in a lightweight and portable container that can be moved across different environments.
Kubernetes: An open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
Orchestration Tools: A set of tools and frameworks that automate the cloud infrastructure and application deployment processes. Examples include Terraform, Ansible, Chef, and Puppet.