Two data structures that store elements in a particular order. Stacks allow elements to be added and removed only from the top, while queues allow elements to be added at the rear and removed from the front.
Linear Data Structures: These are data structures like arrays, linked lists, and vectors that store data sequentially.
Arrays: Arrays are a collection of elements, which can be of the same or different types, arranged in sequential order.
Linked Lists: Linked lists are a type of linear data structure in which individual elements, called nodes, are connected through pointers.
Stack: A Stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle.
Queue: A Queue is a linear data structure that follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle.
Push and Pop Operations: Push and Pop operations are the fundamental operations used to add and remove elements from a Stack or Queue.
Top and Front Operations: The top operation is used to access the most recently added element in a Stack, while the front operation is used to access the first element in a Queue.
Implementation of Stacks and Queues: Stacks and Queues can be implemented using arrays, linked lists, or other data structures.
Complexity Analysis: Time and space complexity analysis are important when designing algorithms for Stacks and Queues.
Applications of Stacks and Queues: Stacks and Queues are used in various applications like memory management, operating systems, compilers, sorting algorithms, etc.
Circular Queue: A Circular Queue operates similarly to a regular Queue but with an added restriction where the last element is connected to the first element.
Priority Queue: A Priority Queue is a special type of Queue where elements are assigned priority, and elements with higher priority are removed first.
Double-ended Queue: A Double-ended Queue is also known as a Deque, which allows insertion and deletion from either end of the data structure.
Application of Queues: Queue data structures are used commonly in operating systems and computer networks.
Stack Machine: Stack machines is a research area where data is stored on the stack, and the instructions that manipulate it only reference values at the top of the stack.
Reverse Polish Notation (RPN): RPN is a mathematical notation where operators are placed after their operands instead of before them.
Array-based Stack: This type of stack is implemented using an array and is one of the most basic types of stacks. It stores data in a LIFO (last-in, first-out) manner and can be implemented using a fixed size or dynamic size array.
Linked List Stack: This type of stack is implemented using a linked list instead of an array. It dynamically allocates memory for nodes and links them together. It is useful when working with a dynamic collection of data.
Circular Queue: This type of queue is similar to a regular queue, but the end of the queue is connected to the beginning, creating a circle. It is useful when space is limited, and the elements will be continuously added and removed.
Priority Queue: This type of queue assigns a priority to each element and stores them in a way that the highest priority element is always at the front of the queue. It is useful in scheduling and resource allocation applications.
Double-ended Queue: This type of queue allows elements to be added or removed from both the front and back ends of the queue. It is useful when you need to add or remove elements from both ends of the queue.
Stack Machine: This type of stack is used by some compilers and interpreters to evaluate expressions. It stores data in a LIFO manner, and operands and operators are pushed onto the stack and evaluated as they are popped off.
Heap: This type of data structure stores its elements in an array in a way that each element is larger than or equal to its parent. It is useful when you need to find the maximum or minimum of a set of elements.
Bounded Queue: This type of queue has a maximum size, and elements cannot be added if the queue is full. It is useful when you need to limit the size of a collection.
Deque: A deque (double ended queue) is a collection of elements that you can add or remove elements from either end, like a queue or stack.
Steque: A steque(stack-ended queue)is a hybrid of the stack and queue data structures. It allows you to add and remove items from both ends of the data structure.
Linked Queue: This type of queue is implemented using a linked list, and each node contains both data and a pointer to the next node. It is useful when working with a dynamic collection of data.
LIFO queue: This type of queue is similar to a stack, but it maintains the FIFO structure of the queue. It stores data in a LIFO (last-in, first out) manner, but removes elements from the front.
Random Access Queue: A RAQ allows both constant-time access to arbitrary elements within an ordered collection, and linear-time insertion, deletion, and slap operations.
Zigzag Queue: A zigzag queue is a collection of elements that can be added, removed or read by traversing the collection in a zigzag pattern. It is useful when you need to selectively access elements in an ordered collection.