"Telephony is the field of technology involving the development, application, and deployment of telecommunication services for the purpose of electronic transmission of voice, fax, or data, between distant parties."
The technology and methods of transmitting voice over a distance, including topics such as analog and digital voice transmission, signaling, and routing.
"The history of telephony is intimately linked to the invention and development of the telephone."
"Telephony is commonly referred to as the construction or operation of telephones and telephonic systems and as a system of telecommunications in which telephonic equipment is employed in the transmission of speech or other sound between points, with or without the use of wires."
"In this context, the technology is specifically referred to as Internet telephony, or voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)."
"Telephony involves the development, application, and deployment of telecommunication services for the purpose of electronic transmission of voice, fax, or data, between distant parties."
"Telephony enables electronic transmission of voice, fax, or data between distant parties."
"Telephonic equipment is employed in the transmission of speech or other sound between points, with or without the use of wires."
"The term is also used frequently to refer to computer hardware, software, and computer network systems that perform functions traditionally performed by telephone equipment."
"Internet telephony, or voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is the technology for transmitting phone calls over the Internet instead of traditional telephone lines."
"The purpose of telecommunication services is the electronic transmission of voice, fax, or data between distant parties."
"Telephony is involved in the development, application, and deployment of telecommunication services."
"Telephony enables electronic transmission between distant parties."
"Telephonic equipment is employed in the transmission of speech or other sound."
"Computer network systems perform functions traditionally performed by telephone equipment."
"The history of telephony is intimately linked to the invention and development of the telephone."
"The primary focus of telecommunication services is the electronic transmission of voice."
"The purpose of Internet telephony, or voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is to transmit speech or other sound over the Internet."
"Telephony involves the electronic transmission of voice."
"Telephony involves the development, application, and deployment of telecommunication services."
"Telephony enables the electronic transmission of fax between distant parties."