Facial expressions, body language, and other non-manual markers used to convey meaning in sign language.
Non-Manual Markers: Definition and Significance.
Eye Gaze: :.
Mouth morphemes: :.
Head Movements: :.
Body Posture: :.
Prosody: :.
Hand Dominance: :.
Eye Gaze: The direction and focus of the eyes used to convey meaning or show emphasis on certain signs or phrases.
Facial Expressions: A range of expressions used to add nuance to signs, including raising and lowering eyebrows or twisting the mouth.
Head Movement: Small movements of the head use to emphasize a sign or phrase or indicate a question.
Shoulder Shifting: Moving or shifting the shoulders in order to indicate a change in topic or speaker.
Body Posture: The position and posture of the body can convey a range of meanings from emphasis to indication of mood.
Mouth Morphemes: Mouth shapes used to change the meaning of a sign, often used in conjunction with other non-manual markers.
Use of Space: Physical placement of signs and gestures within the surrounding space or environment to convey meaning.
Hand Shape Modification: Changes in the hand shape or orientation of a sign used to convey added meaning or emphasis.
Nods and Head Shakes: Quick movements of the head used to indicate agreement or disagreement.
Tongue Placement: Placement of the tongue within the mouth used to modify sign language.