British Sign Language (BSL)

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This covers the British version of sign language, and goes over the common signs, symbols, and gestures used in BSL.

- "British Sign Language (BSL) is a sign language used in the United Kingdom and is the first or preferred language among the deaf community in the UK."
- "The British Deaf Association estimates there are 151,000 BSL users in the UK."
- "Of whom 87,000 are Deaf."
- "In the 2011 England and Wales Census 15,000 people living in England and Wales reported themselves using BSL as their main language."
- "People who are not deaf may also use BSL, as hearing relatives of deaf people, sign language interpreters or as a result of other contact with the British Deaf community."
- "The language makes use of space and involves movement of the hands, body, face, and head."
- "is the first or preferred language among the deaf community in the UK."
- "Based on the percentage of people who reported 'using British Sign Language at home' on the 2011 Scottish Census."
- "the British Deaf Association estimates there are 151,000 BSL users in the UK."
- "the British Deaf Association estimates there are 151,000 BSL users in the UK."
- "In the 2011 England and Wales Census 15,000 people living in England and Wales reported themselves using BSL as their main language."
- "People who are not deaf may also use BSL, as hearing relatives of deaf people, sign language interpreters or as a result of other contact with the British Deaf community."
- "The language makes use of space and involves movement of the hands, body, face, and head."
- "British Sign Language (BSL) is a sign language used in the United Kingdom and is the first or preferred language among the deaf community in the UK."
- "People who are not deaf may also use BSL, as hearing relatives of deaf people, sign language interpreters or as a result of other contact with the British Deaf community."
- "The language makes use of space and involves movement of the hands, body, face, and head."
- "The British Deaf Association estimates there are 151,000 BSL users in the UK, of whom 87,000 are Deaf."
- "People who are not deaf may also use BSL, as hearing relatives of deaf people, sign language interpreters or as a result of other contact with the British Deaf community."
- "In the 2011 England and Wales Census 15,000 people living in England and Wales reported themselves using BSL as their main language."
- "The language makes use of space and involves movement of the hands, body, face, and head."