
Home > Communication > Intrapersonal communication > Self-talk

Examining the internal dialogue that takes place within oneself and how it affects mood, behavior, and communication with others.

"Intrapersonal communication is communication with oneself or self-to-self communication."
"Examples are thinking to oneself 'I'll do better next time' after having made a mistake or imagining a conversation with one's boss in preparation for leaving work early."
"Intrapersonal communication can happen alone or in social situations."
"It may be prompted internally or occur as a response to changes in the environment."
"Intrapersonal communication encompasses a great variety of phenomena."
"There are also types of self-to-self communication that are mediated through external means, like when writing a diary or a shopping list for oneself."
"Self-talk involves only one voice talking to itself. For inner dialogue, several voices linked to different positions take turns in a form of imaginary interaction."
"Other phenomena related to intrapersonal communication include planning, problem-solving, perception, reasoning, self-persuasion, introspection, and dreaming."
"Models of intrapersonal communication discuss which components are involved and how they interact."
"Intrapersonal communication contrasts with interpersonal communication, in which the sender and the receiver are distinct persons."
"The two phenomena influence each other in various ways. For example, positive and negative feedback received from other people affects how a person talks to themselves."
"It plays a key role in mental health, specifically in relation to positive and negative self-talk."
"Negative self-talk focuses on bad aspects of the self, at times in an excessively critical way. It is linked to psychological stress, anxiety, and depression."
"A step commonly associated with countering negative self-talk is to become aware of negative patterns. Further steps are to challenge the truth of overly critical judgments and to foster more positive patterns of thought."
"Of special relevance in this regard is the self-concept, i.e. how a person sees themselves, specifically their self-esteem or how they evaluate their abilities and characteristics."
"Intrapersonal communication is not as thoroughly researched as other forms of communication."
"One reason is that it is more difficult to study since it happens primarily as an internal process."
"The term is often used in a very wide sense making it difficult to demarcate which phenomena belong to it."
"The term 'autocommunication' is sometimes used as a synonym."
"Some theorists hold that intrapersonal communication is the foundation of all communication, but this position is not generally accepted."