"The function responsible for effective communications among participants within an organization."
Communication within an organization between employees at all levels. It includes memos, emails, newsletters, meetings, and more.
"The scope of the function varies by organization and practitioner."
"From producing and delivering messages and campaigns on behalf of management" and "facilitating two-way dialogue and developing the communication skills of the organization's participants."
"Responsible for effective information circulation and collaboration between the participants in an organization."
"Modern understanding of internal communications is a field of its own."
"Journalism, knowledge management, public relations (e.g., media relations), marketing and human resources."
"Wider organizational studies, communication theory, social psychology, sociology, and political science."
"Effective communications among participants within an organization."
"Facilitating two-way dialogue and developing the communication skills."
"Producing and delivering messages and campaigns on behalf of management."
"Journalism, knowledge management, public relations, marketing, and human resources."
"Draws on the theory and practice of related professions, not least knowledge management."
"Draws on the theory and practice of related professions, not least public relations (e.g., media relations)."
"Wider organizational studies contribute to the understanding of internal communications."
"Communication theory and social psychology contribute to the understanding of internal communications."
"Sociology contributes to the understanding of internal communications."
"Political science contributes to the understanding of internal communications."
"Effective information circulation and collaboration."
"Effective communications among participants within an organization."
"Producing and delivering messages and campaigns on behalf of management."