
Home > Classics > Latin Literature > Comedy

Analysis of works by comic playwrights such as Terence (Andria) and Plautus (The Brothers Menaechmus).

History of Comedy: This topic covers the origins of comedy as a literary genre and its development over time. It includes the various forms and styles of comedy such as Greek Old Comedy, Roman New Comedy, and Renaissance Comedy.
Aristophanes: Aristophanes was a Greek playwright who wrote Old Comedy plays. This topic covers his life and works, his contribution to the genre of comedy, and his satire against the Athenian society.
Plautus and Terence: Plautus and Terence were Roman playwrights who wrote comedies in the New Comedy style. This topic covers their works, their impact on Roman theatre, and their influence on later writers.
Comedy Techniques: This topic covers the various techniques used in comedy such as satire, irony, wit, and wordplay. It also explores the use of comic characters, situations, and themes.
Comedic Themes: This topic covers the common themes found in comedy such as love, marriage, money, and class. It also explores the use of satire to comment on society and politics.
Comedic Characters: This topic covers the different types of characters found in comedy such as the clown, the fool, the trickster, and the straight man. It also explores the use of stock characters and their roles in comedy.
Performance: This topic covers the performance aspects of comedy such as timing, delivery, and physical comedy. It also explores the role of the audience and their reactions.
Comic Theory: This topic covers the various theories and approaches to comedy including literary, philosophical, and psychological. It also explores the concept of humor and what makes things funny.
Adaptation and Translation: This topic covers the adaptation and translation of comedies into different languages and cultures. It explores how different cultures interpret and adapt the genre of comedy.
Contemporary Comedy: This topic covers the current trends and developments in the genre of comedy. It explores the use of comedy in popular culture, such as film and television, and the different styles and forms of contemporary comedy.
Atellanae: Roman comedy featuring stock characters and focused on humor.
Fabula Palliata: Roman comedy based on Greek plays but translated into Latin.
Fabula Togata: Roman comedy set in Roman society and featuring Roman characters.
Mime: A form of lowbrow, often raunchy, entertainment consisting of short dramatic scenes or pieces.
Satura: A literary form that uses a mix of genres and styles, often incorporating mockery or satire.
Menippean satire: A comedic form that critiques society, politics, and philosophy.
Old Comedy: Greek comedic form that comments on society and politics.
New Comedy: Greek comedy that is more focused on personal relationships and romance rather than politics.
Satyr play: Greek comedic form that features satyrs, half-human creatures, and incorporates elements of tragedy and comedy.
Parodia: Parodies of existing works, often mocking or subverting their themes.
Quip: A short, witty remark or joke.
"The architectural form of theatre in Rome has been linked to later, more well-known examples from the 1st century BC to the 3rd Century AD."
"The theatre of ancient Rome referred to as a period of time in which theatrical practice and performance took place in Rome has been linked back even further to the 4th century BC."
"Theatre during this era is generally separated into genres of tragedy and comedy."
"...represented by a particular style of architecture and stage play..."
"...conveyed to an audience purely as a form of entertainment and control."
"When it came to the audience, Romans favored entertainment and performance over tragedy and drama..."
"'Spectacle' became an essential part of an everyday Roman's expectations when it came to theatre."
"Some works by Plautus, Terence, and Seneca the Younger that survive to this day, highlight the different aspects of Roman society and culture at the time..."
"...including advancements in Roman literature and theatre."
"Theatre during this period of time would come to represent an important aspect of Roman society during the republican and imperial periods of Rome."
"The theatre of ancient Rome referred to as a period of time in which theatrical practice and performance took place in Rome has been linked back even further to the 4th century BC."
"Romans favored entertainment and performance over tragedy and drama..."
"...conveyed to an audience purely as a form of entertainment and control."
"Some works by Plautus, Terence, and Seneca the Younger that survive to this day..."
"Theatre during this period of time would come to represent an important aspect of Roman society during the republican and imperial periods of Rome."
"The architectural form of theatre in Rome has been linked to later, more well-known examples..."
"The theatre of ancient Rome referred to as a period of time in which theatrical practice and performance took place in Rome has been linked back even further..."
"...Romans favored entertainment and performance over tragedy and drama, displaying a more modern form of theatre that is still used in contemporary times."
"Conveyed to an audience purely as a form of entertainment and control."
"Theatre during this period of time would come to represent an important aspect of Roman society during the republican and imperial periods of Rome."