"An order in architecture is a certain assemblage of parts subject to uniform established proportions, regulated by the office that each part has to perform."
Detailed description of the specific characteristics of the three Greek architectural orders: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.
Classical Orders: Overview – A brief history and introduction to the classical orders of architecture, their importance, and their common features.
Elements of Classical Orders: A detailed summary of the elements that make up classical orders, such as the column, entablature, and pediment.
Origins of Classical Orders: A look at the origins and evolution of the classical orders, including their influences and cultural contexts.
Doric Order: A detailed examination of the Doric order, one of the oldest and most influential of the classical orders, known for its stout and simple design.
Ionic Order: A study of the Ionic order, known for its slender, curved design and its association with ancient Greek culture.
Corinthian Order: An exploration of the Corinthian order, characterized by its ornate capital with acanthus leaves.
Tuscan Order: A brief overview of the Tuscan order, a derivative of the Doric order that has a less ornate design.
Composite Order: An introduction to the Composite order, a combination of the Ionic and Corinthian orders.
Entablature: A closer look at the entablature, the horizontal band of structure between the columns and the roof, and its various components such as the frieze.
Pediment: A detailed examination of the triangular pediment that crowns a classical building's facade, and its decorative elements such as sculptures and reliefs.
Column: A deep dive into the column, one of the key components of the classical orders, including its design and proportions.
Proportions and Orders: An exploration of the mathematical principles and proportions underlying classical architecture and their connection with the different orders.
Classical Orders Today: A look at how the classical orders continue to influence art and architecture in modern times and in different parts of the world.
Examples of Classical Orders: A survey of some of the most well-known examples of classical architecture and the orders they incorporate, such as the Parthenon and the Pantheon.
Criticisms and Debates: An overview of some of the criticisms and debates surrounding the classical orders, such as their relevance to contemporary architecture and their cultural associations.
Doric: The Doric Order is the oldest and simplest of the three orders. It features sturdy columns with simple, unadorned capitals (tops) and no base. The capital consists of a circular abacus and a square echinus (cushion). This order is often associated with strength and power.
Ionic: The Ionic Order evolved from the Doric Order and is characterized by more slender and elegant columns with decorative capitals that resemble spiraling scrolls or volutes. It also has a base and a more decorative frieze. The attributes of the Ionic Order are grace and appeal.
Corinthian: The Corinthian Order is the most ornate and elaborate of the three classical orders. It features slender columns with elaborate capitals that are decorated with acanthus leaves and scrolls. This order has a more decorative frieze and a base like the Ionic. This order is typically associated with beauty and luxury.
Tuscan: The Tuscan Order is a simplified version of the Doric Order with a base, a plain shaft, and a simple capital.
Composite: The Composite Order combines the decorative elements of the Ionic and Corinthian Orders, featuring a capital with both acanthus leaves and volutes.
"The architectural orders are the styles of classical architecture, each distinguished by its proportions and characteristic profiles and details, and most readily recognizable by the type of column employed."
"The three orders of architecture—the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian—originated in Greece."
"To these the Romans added, in practice if not in name, the Tuscan, which they made simpler than Doric, and the Composite, which was more ornamental than the Corinthian."
"The architectural order of a classical building is akin to the mode or key of classical music; the grammar or rhetoric of a written composition."
"Whereas the orders were essentially structural in Ancient Greek architecture, which made little use of the arch until its late period..."
"...in Roman architecture where the arch was often dominant, the orders became increasingly decorative elements except in porticos and similar uses."
"Columns shrank into half-columns emerging from walls or turned into pilasters."
"This treatment continued after the conscious and 'correct' use of the orders, initially following exclusively Roman models, returned in the Italian Renaissance."
"Greek Revival architecture, inspired by increasing knowledge of Greek originals, returned to more authentic models..."
"It is established by certain modules like the intervals of music, and it raises certain expectations in an audience attuned to its language."
"...the Tuscan, which they made simpler than Doric..."
"...the Composite, which was more ornamental than the Corinthian."
"...Greek architecture, which made little use of the arch until its late period..."
"...except in porticos and similar uses."
"Columns shrank into half-columns emerging from walls or turned into pilasters."
"...the conscious and 'correct' use of the orders, initially following exclusively Roman models..."
"...returned to more authentic models, including ones from relatively early periods."
"...each distinguished by its proportions and characteristic profiles and details..."
"...akin to the mode or key of classical music..."