
Home > Classics > Classical Reception Studies > Mythology

The study of myths, traditional stories, and legends, which carry symbolic meanings and significance for different cultures and societies.

Greek Mythology: This is the study of myths that originated from ancient Greece. It includes stories of gods, heroes, monsters, and other mythical creatures.
Roman Mythology: Roman mythology is the collection of myths and legends associated with ancient Rome. It includes the stories of gods, heroes, and other mythical creatures.
Norse Mythology: This is the collection of myths and legends associated with the ancient Norse people of Scandinavia. It includes the stories of gods, heroes, and other mythical creatures.
Egyptian Mythology: This is the collection of myths and legends associated with ancient Egypt. It includes stories of gods, goddesses, pharaohs, and other mythical creatures.
Hindu Mythology: Hindu mythology is the collection of myths and legends associated with the Hindu religion. It includes the stories of gods, goddesses, and other supernatural beings.
Celtic Mythology: Celtic mythology is the collection of myths and legends associated with the ancient Celts of Europe. It includes the stories of gods, heroes, and other mythical creatures.
Mythological Heroes: This is the study of the heroes from various myths and legends. This includes characters like Hercules, Odysseus, Gilgamesh, and others.
Creation Myths: This is the study of myths that explain how the world and its inhabitants were created. Many cultures have their own creation myths, and they are often rich in symbolism and metaphor.
Mythological Creatures: This is the study of the various mythical creatures that appear in myths and legends. This includes creatures like dragons, unicorns, and centaurs.
Mythological Archetypes: This is the study of the recurring symbols, themes, and motifs that appear in myths and legends. These archetypes often represent universal human experiences and feelings.
Feminist Mythology: This is the study of how female characters are portrayed in myths and legends. It includes a critical analysis of how patriarchal societies have influenced the myths we know today.
Mythological Symbolism: This is the study of the symbols and metaphors used in myths and legends. These symbols often have deep meaning and can be used to interpret the myths in new ways.
Comparative Mythology: This is the study of the similarities and differences between myths from different cultures. It involves a comparison of themes, symbols, and stories from different regions of the world.
Mythological Ethics: This is the study of the moral and ethical lessons that can be learned from myths and legends. It involves an analysis of how these stories can be used to teach important life lessons.
Myth and Literature: This is the study of how myths and legends have influenced literature throughout history. It includes an analysis of how writers have used mythological motifs and themes in their works.
Greek Mythology: Greek mythology refers to the collection of stories and beliefs about the ancient Greek gods, heroes, and mythical creatures. These stories have played a significant role in shaping Western culture.
Roman Mythology: Roman mythology is the body of myths and legends that were shared by the ancient Romans. This mythology was heavily influenced by Greek mythology but has its unique features and characters.
Norse Mythology: Norse mythology is the body of myths and legends originating from the North Germanic people, especially during the Viking Age. These stories feature gods, giants, and other supernatural beings.
Egyptian Mythology: Egyptian mythology is the collection of myths and beliefs about ancient Egypt's gods, goddesses, and their interactions with humans. The myths revolve around the concept of creation and the afterlife.
Celtic Mythology: Celtic mythology is the body of myths and legends associated with the Celtic people of Europe. These myths feature a broad array of gods, goddesses, and other supernatural beings that inhabit nature.
Hindu Mythology: Hindu mythology is the set of stories and beliefs about Hindu gods, goddesses and other supernatural beings. Hindu mythology represents an ancient and complex religious tradition that originated in India.
Chinese Mythology: Chinese mythology is a collection of stories and beliefs about Chinese culture's traditional gods, heroes and supernatural beings. These stories reflect cultural values and beliefs in Chinese culture.
African Mythology: African mythology is the set of myths and stories associated with various ethnic groups in Africa. These stories feature gods, spirits, and ancestors and reflect African cosmology and religious traditions.
Japanese Mythology: Japanese mythology is the collection of myths and stories associated with Japanese culture's traditional beliefs and legends. These stories revolve around gods, goddesses, and spirits and reflect the unique features of Japanese culture.
Mesopotamian Mythology: Mesopotamian mythology is the collection of myths and stories that originated from ancient Mesopotamia. These stories feature gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures and reflect the region's cultural and religious beliefs.
"The myth is a folklore genre consisting of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society, such as foundational tales or origin myths."
"Myths play a fundamental role in society..."
"Myths are often endorsed by secular and religious authorities..."
"Myths are closely linked to religion or spirituality."
"Many societies group their myths, legends, and history together..."
"Myths are sometimes distinguished from legends in that myths deal with gods..."
"The main characters in myths are usually non-humans, such as gods, demigods, and other supernatural figures."
"Others include humans, animals, or combinations in their classification of myth."
"Stories of everyday humans, although often of leaders of some type, are usually contained in legends, as opposed to myths."
"Myths are set in a world of the remote past, very different from that of the present."
"Creation myths take place in a primordial age when the world had not achieved its later form."
"Other myths explain how a society's customs, institutions, and taboos were established and sanctified."
"There is a complex relationship between the recital of myths and the enactment of rituals."
"Myths... usually have no historical basis..."
"Foundational tales or origin myths play a fundamental role in a society..."
"The main characters in myths are usually non-humans..."
"Myths are often endorsed by secular and religious authorities..."
"Myth is a folklore genre consisting of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society..."
"Many societies group their myths, legends, and history together, considering myths and legends to be true accounts of their remote past."
"Myths are set in a world of the remote past, very different from that of the present."