Digital Humanities

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The use of digital tools and methods to study culture and literature. It includes computational analysis and modeling of textual data, as well as creating digital archives and databases.

Digital Libraries: The creation and management of digital collections of primary sources to support research in Classical Reception.
Text Analysis: The use of digital tools to analyze texts with a focus on identifying patterns, themes, and relationships.
Geospatial Analysis: The use of geographic information systems (GIS) and mapping technologies to analyze and visualize locations of literary and cultural phenomena.
Network Analysis: The use of social network analysis (SNA) to understand the relationships between literary texts, authors, and cultural artefacts.
Visualization: The creation of digital visualizations to represent complex textual or cultural data in new and creative ways.
Data Mining: The use of advanced computational techniques to extract valuable insights from large and complex datasets.
Digital Editing: The creation of digital editions of literary texts, designed to be used by humanities scholars and students.
Digital Pedagogy: The use of digital technologies and resources to support teaching and learning in Classical Reception Studies.
Cultural Heritage Preservation: The use of digital technologies to preserve and protect cultural heritage sites and collections.
Digital Humanities Theory: A critical analysis of the historical, social, and cultural contexts of Digital Humanities, and the role of technology in shaping these contexts.
Digital Archives: The creation and management of digital archives, with a focus on collecting and preserving documentary evidence and primary sources.
Digital Publishing: The creation and dissemination of scholarly research through digital channels, including open access repositories, digital journals, and e-books.
Digital Textual Analysis: This involves the use of digital tools and techniques to analyze ancient texts, including language structure, authorship, and textual variations.
Digital Mapping and Visualization: This involves the use of digital mapping and visualization tools to create visual representations of ancient sites, landscapes, and historical data.
Text Mining and Analysis: This involves the use of computational techniques to identify patterns and trends in large-scale collections of texts, such as ancient literature or historical documents.
Digital Archiving and Preservation: This involves the use of digital tools and technologies to collect, preserve, and disseminate digital resources related to classical reception, such as manuscripts, art, and audio-visual materials.
Digital Pedagogy and Learning: This involves the use of digital tools and resources to enhance teaching and learning of classical topics, including online courses, digital textbooks, and educational software.
Digital Publication and Dissemination: This involves the use of digital platforms and technologies to publish and disseminate scholarly works related to classical reception, including open-access journals and digital libraries.
Digital Anthropology and Archaeology: This involves the use of digital techniques and tools to study ancient cultures, including the analysis of material culture, visual representations, and digital reconstructions of ancient sites and artifacts.
"Digital humanities (DH) is an area of scholarly activity at the intersection of computing or digital technologies and the disciplines of the humanities."
"It includes the systematic use of digital resources in the humanities, as well as the analysis of their application."
"DH can be defined as new ways of doing scholarship that involve collaborative, transdisciplinary, and computationally engaged research, teaching, and publishing."
"It brings digital tools and methods to the study of the humanities with the recognition that the printed word is no longer the main medium for knowledge production and distribution."
"By producing and using new applications and techniques, DH makes new kinds of teaching possible."
"It studies and critiquing how these [new applications and techniques] impact cultural heritage and digital culture."
"DH is also applied in research."
"A distinctive feature of DH is its cultivation of a two-way relationship between the humanities and the digital."
"...the field both employs technology in the pursuit of humanities research."
"...subjects technology to humanistic questioning and interrogation."
"Collaborative, transdisciplinary, and computationally engaged research, teaching, and publishing."
"The printed word is no longer the main medium for knowledge production and distribution."
"DH makes new kinds of teaching possible."
"It studies and critiques how [new applications and techniques] impact cultural heritage."
"The recognition that the printed word is no longer the main medium for knowledge production and distribution."
"Collaborative, transdisciplinary, and computationally engaged research."
"It studies and critiques how [new applications and techniques] impact digital culture."
"By producing and using new applications and techniques, DH makes new kinds of teaching possible."
"Collaborative, transdisciplinary, and computationally engaged research, teaching, and publishing."
"The field both employs technology in the pursuit of humanities research and subjects technology to humanistic questioning and interrogation, often simultaneously."