"A legendary creature (also mythical or mythological creature) is a type of fantasy entity, typically a hybrid, that has not been proven and that is described in folklore (including myths and legends), but may be featured in historical accounts before modernity."
The imaginary or legendary beings found in myths and legends, often with symbolic or metaphorical meanings, such as dragons or centaurs.
Greek Mythology: The stories, legends, and myths associated with gods and goddesses in ancient Greece.
Roman Mythology: The stories, legends, and myths associated with the gods and goddesses in ancient Rome.
Norse Mythology: The stories, legends, and myths associated with the gods and goddesses in ancient Scandinavia and Northern Europe.
Egyptian Mythology: The stories, legends, and myths associated with the gods and goddesses in ancient Egypt.
Hindu Mythology: The stories, legends, and myths associated with the gods and goddesses in ancient India.
Celtic Mythology: The stories, legends, and myths associated with the gods and goddesses in ancient Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
Chinese Mythology: The stories, legends, and myths associated with the gods and goddesses in ancient China.
Japanese Mythology: The stories, legends, and myths associated with the gods and goddesses in ancient Japan.
Aztec Mythology: The stories, legends, and myths associated with the gods and goddesses in ancient Mexico.
Mayan Mythology: The stories, legends, and myths associated with the gods and goddesses in ancient Central America.
American Indian Mythology: The stories, legends, and myths associated with the gods and goddesses in ancient North America.
Australian Aboriginal Mythology: The stories, legends, and myths associated with the gods and goddesses in ancient Australia.
Biblical Mythology: The stories, legends, and myths associated with the gods and goddesses in the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Folklore: The stories, legends, and myths that are passed down from generation to generation within a particular culture or community.
Mythical Creatures: The various creatures that are present in myths and legends, such as dragons, unicorns, mermaids, griffins, and centaurs.
Creation Myths: The stories that describe how the world, universe, or humanity was created.
Hero Myths: The stories that depict heroic deeds and adventures of mythological characters.
God and Goddesses: The stories, legends, and myths associated with the supernatural beings worshipped or revered in a particular culture or religion.
Sacred Places: The sites, buildings, or natural features that hold religious significance within a particular culture or religion.
Rituals and Festivals: The practices and celebrations associated with a particular religion or culture.
Dragons: Large, reptilian creatures with wings, sharp claws and teeth, and the ability to breathe fire or other elements.
Griffins: Creatures with the head, wings, and front legs of an eagle and the body of a lion.
Cyclops: One-eyed giants with incredible strength and size.
Mermaids/Mermen: Half-human, half-fish creatures that live in the sea.
Centaurs: Half-human, half-horse creatures with great strength and speed.
Minotaurs: Creatures with the head of a bull and the body of a man, often associated with labyrinths.
Sphinxes: Creatures with the head of a human and the body of a lion, often known for their riddles.
Phoenixes: Birds that are reborn from their own ashes and represent immortality and renewal.
Pegasus: A winged horse that can fly and is often associated with the god Zeus.
Sirens: Beings that lure sailors to their death with their beautiful singing.
Harpies: Winged creatures with the face of a woman and the body of a bird.
Chimeras: Creatures with the body parts of multiple animals, often including a lion, goat, and serpent.
Gorgons: Snakes for hair and ability to turn onlookers to stone.
Titans: Powerful, god-like beings that predate the Olympians.
Furies: Spirits of vengeance that punish wrongdoers with torment and madness.
Satyrs: Half-human, half-goat creatures associated with wine, music, and fertility.
Nymphs: Nature spirits that can take on the form of beautiful women.
Cyclopes: Giant creatures with one eye in the middle of their forehead.
Goblins: A small, mischievous magical creature, often portrayed as greedy and cruel.
Vampires: Immortal beings that feed on the blood of humans to survive.
Werewolves: Human beings that turn into a wolf or a therianthropic hybrid wolf-like creature during full moon nights.
"In the classical era, monstrous creatures such as the Cyclops and the Minotaur appear in heroic tales for the protagonist to destroy."
"Other creatures, such as the unicorn, were claimed in accounts of natural history by various scholars of antiquity."
"Some legendary creatures have their origin in traditional mythology and were believed to be real creatures, for example dragons, griffins, and unicorns."
"Others were based on real encounters, originating in garbled accounts of travelers' tales, such as the Vegetable Lamb of Tartary, which supposedly grew tethered to the earth."
"A legendary creature (also mythical or mythological creature) is a type of fantasy entity, typically a hybrid..."
"...that has not been proven and that is described in folklore (including myths and legends)..."
"...monstrous creatures such as the Cyclops and the Minotaur appear in heroic tales for the protagonist to destroy."
"Other creatures, such as the unicorn, were claimed in accounts of natural history by various scholars of antiquity."
"...dragons, griffins, and unicorns."
"Others were based on real encounters, originating in garbled accounts of travelers' tales..."
"A legendary creature... typically a hybrid..."
"[Legendary creatures are] a type of fantasy entity, typically a hybrid, that has not been proven..."
"...monstrous creatures such as the Cyclops and the Minotaur appear in heroic tales..."
"...claimed in accounts of natural history by various scholars of antiquity."
"...typically a hybrid, that has not been proven and that is described in folklore (including myths and legends), but may be featured in historical accounts before modernity."
"...appear in heroic tales for the protagonist to destroy."
"...originating in garbled accounts of travelers' tales..."
"...such as the Vegetable Lamb of Tartary, which supposedly grew tethered to the earth."
"A legendary creature (also mythical or mythological creature) is a type of fantasy entity, typically a hybrid..."