Concentration cells

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A concentration cell is an electrochemical cell in which the two half-cells are identical except for the concentrations of the electrolytes.

Electrochemical Cells: Basic concept and working of electrochemical cells, different types of cells including galvanic and electrolytic cells, and cell potential.
Redox Reactions: Definition, types, and chemical equation for redox reactions.
Electrode Potential: Definition, standard electrode potential, and factors affecting the electrode potential.
Nernst Equation: Concept and equation for Nernst equation, applications of Nernst equation, and derivation of Nernst equation.
Concentration Cells: Definition and working of concentration cells, derivation of cell potential equation, and examples of concentration cells.
Ion-Selective Electrodes: Concept of ion-selective electrodes, types of ion-selective electrodes, and applications of ion-selective electrodes.
Faraday's Law: Statement of Faraday's law, Faraday's first law of electrolysis, and Faraday's second law of electrolysis.
Types of Concentration Cells: Different types of concentration cells including liquid-liquid concentration cells, different ion concentration cells, and gas concentration cells.
Electrolysis: Definition of an electrolysis, mechanism of electrolysis, and Faraday's laws of electrolysis.
Determination of Equilibrium Constant: Determination of the equilibrium constant of a concentration cell using Nernst equation, applications of equilibrium constant determination, and importance of equilibrium constant determination.
Applications of Concentration Cells: Applications of concentration cells in industries, environmental monitoring, and research.
Corrosion: Concept of corrosion, types of corrosion, and prevention of corrosion using concentration cells.
Metal/metal ion concentration cell: It consists of two identical metal electrodes immersed in solutions having different concentrations of the same ion. The electrons flow from the electrode with lower ion concentration to the one with a higher concentration, establishing a voltage difference.
Gas concentration cell: It comprises two electrodes, one of which is exposed to a gas at high concentration, while the other electrode is exposed to the same gas but at a lower concentration. The voltage arises from the difference in chemical potential of the gas between the two electrodes.
Liquid junction concentration cell: It has two electrodes immersed in different solutions separated by a liquid junction. The voltage generated is due to the difference in composition of these two solutions, and the potential fluctuations occur due to the changing composition of the liquid junction.
Transference concentration cell: When two half-cells have different transference numbers of ions, an electrochemical cell is formed, which exhibits a potential difference due to the concentration gradient between the two half-cells.
Membrane concentration cell: It has a membrane that separates the two half-cells having solutions with different concentrations. This type of concentration cell is very similar to the liquid junction concentration cell, except that the solution's concentration is kept constant, and voltage fluctuations occur due to changes in ion activity on either side of the membrane.
Surface concentration cell: It consists of two electrodes immersed in electrolytes, where one of the electrodes is metal covered with a thin layer of oxide or other insoluble material. A potential difference is generated as the concentration of the reactants and products change at the interface between the solid and the electrolyte.
Redox concentration cell: It has two electrodes (a metal and a redox-active species), and both are immersed in solutions having different concentrations of a redox-active species. As the concentration of the redox-active species differs between the two solutions, a redox reaction occurs that generates a potential difference.
Co-ordination concentration cell: This cell has two electrodes, one made of a metal ion complex and the other of the free metal. The ion concentration at each electrode creates a potential difference due to the difference in the stability of the metal ion complex on either side.
Pure solid concentration cell: It consists of two electrodes, where one electrode is made of a pure solid material and the other of the same material but selectively oxidized or reduced. A concentration difference is formed between the two halves due to the change in the material state, leading to a potential difference between the two electrodes.
Ion exchange concentration cell: It consists of two half-cells separated by an ion exchange membrane. The voltage arises because of the difference in the concentration of counterions on either side of the membrane.
"A concentration cell is a limited form of a galvanic cell that has two equivalent half-cells of the same composition differing only in concentrations."
"One can calculate the potential developed by such a cell using the Nernst equation."
"Because an order of magnitude concentration difference produces less than 60 millivolts at room temperature, concentration cells are not typically used for energy storage."
"A concentration cell generates electricity from the reduction in the thermodynamic free energy of the electrochemical system as the difference in the chemical concentrations in the two half-cells is reduced."
"The same reaction occurs in the half-cells but in opposite directions, increasing the lower and decreasing the higher concentration."
"The energy is generated from thermal energy that the cell absorbs as heat, as the electricity flows."
"This generation of electricity from ambient thermal energy, without a temperature gradient, is possible because the convergence of the chemical concentrations in the two half-cells increases entropy."
"Concentration cell methods of chemical analysis compare a solution of known concentration with an unknown, determining the concentration of the unknown via the Nernst Equation or comparison tables against a group of standards."
"Concentration cell corrosion occurs when two or more areas of a metal surface are in contact with different concentrations of the same solution."
"There are two general types of concentration cells."
"Concentration cells can be electrode concentration cells or electrolyte concentration cells."
"In this type of cell, the electrodes in both half-cells are made of the same substance and the electrolyte is a solution of the same substance but with different concentrations."
"In this type of cell, two electrodes of the same substance but of different concentrations are dipped in the same solution."
"One can calculate the potential developed by such a cell using the Nernst equation."
"Comparison tables are used to determine the concentration of the unknown via the Nernst Equation or comparison tables against a group of standards."
"Concentration cell corrosion occurs when two or more areas of a metal surface are in contact with different concentrations of the same solution."
"Because an order of magnitude concentration difference produces less than 60 millivolts at room temperature, concentration cells are not typically used for energy storage."
"The energy is generated from thermal energy that the cell absorbs as heat, as the electricity flows."
"The increase in entropy due to the convergence of chemical concentrations in the two half-cells compensates for the entropy decrease when heat is converted into electrical energy."
"Concentration cell methods of chemical analysis compare a solution of known concentration with an unknown, determining the concentration of the unknown via the Nernst Equation or comparison tables against a group of standards."