Cooperative LLC

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This type of LLC is owned and operated by its members and operates in a cooperative manner.

What is a Cooperative LLC?: An explanation of what a Cooperative LLC is, the benefits of forming one, and how it differs from other types of LLCs.
Cooperative Principles: The seven cooperative principles and how they apply to a Cooperative LLC.
Ownership structure: A description of how ownership is structured in a Cooperative LLC, including member-ownership and democratic decision-making.
Governing documents: A review of the governing documents used by Cooperative LLCs, including Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
Membership requirements: The requirements for becoming a member of a Cooperative LLC, including eligibility and fees.
Financial management: An examination of the financial management processes used by cooperative LLCs, such as the allocation of profits and losses.
Membership meetings: The structure and importance of membership meetings in a Cooperative LLC, including how decisions are made and voting procedures.
Management structure: A description of how management is structured in a Cooperative LLC, including the role of the board of directors.
Conducting business: An overview of how a Cooperative LLC conducts business, including how it markets products and services and collaborates with other businesses.
Compliance and regulation: A review of the regulatory requirements that a Cooperative LLC must comply with, including state laws, federal regulations, and tax obligations.
Consumer Cooperative: These are cooperatives that are owned and operated by customers who use their services or buy their products.
Producer Cooperative: These are cooperatives that are owned and operated by producers (farmers, ranchers, etc.) who join together to market and distribute their products more efficiently.
Worker Cooperative: These are cooperatives that are owned and operated by employees who pool their labor to operate the business.
Purchasing Cooperative: These are cooperatives that are owned and operated by businesses that join together to purchase goods and services in bulk quantities, reducing prices for all members.
Marketing Cooperative: These are cooperatives that are owned and operated by businesses that join together to market and sell their products collectively.
Housing Cooperative: These are cooperatives that are owned and operated by residents who live in the cooperative and share ownership of the property.
Service Cooperative: These are cooperatives that are owned and operated by members who receive non-agricultural services, such as healthcare, insurance, or childcare, from the cooperative.
Financial Cooperative: These are cooperatives that are owned and operated by members who use their services to provide banking and financial services to the community.
Energy Cooperative: These are cooperatives that are owned and operated by members who pool their resources to develop and distribute renewable energy sources.
Artisanal Cooperative: These are cooperatives that are owned and operated by artists who join together to produce and sell their unique crafts artisanal products.
"an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise"
"Cooperatives are democratically controlled by their members, with each member having one vote in electing the board of directors."
"consumer cooperatives, producer cooperatives, worker cooperatives, purchasing cooperatives, multi-stakeholder cooperatives, second- and third-tier cooperatives, and platform cooperatives."
"in 2012 approximately one billion people in 96 countries had become members of at least one cooperative."
"The turnover of the largest three hundred cooperatives in the world reached $2.2 trillion."
"twice the number of co-operatives (80%) surviving their first five years compared with other business ownership models (41%)"
"the Mondragon Corporation ... has been in continuous operation since 1956."
"in 2013, retail co-operatives in the UK invested 6.9% of their pre-tax profits in the communities in which they trade"
"through the use of a .coop domain"
"the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) introduced the Cooperative Marque, meaning ICA cooperatives and WOCCU credit unions can also be identified through a coop ethical consumerism label."