Definitions and concepts

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Introduces the meanings of terms such as immigration, emigration, asylum seekers, refugees, and forced displacement.

Forced Migration: Forced migration refers to the movement of people who are compelled to move due to external factors such as conflict, persecution, natural disasters, or development projects.
Refugee: A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee their country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of their race, religion, nationality, or membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.
Asylum: Asylum is the protection granted by a country to someone who is fleeing persecution in their own country.
Integration: Integration is the process of incorporating newcomers into the social, economic, and political fabric of the host society.
Resettlement: Resettlement is the process of transferring refugees from the country in which they have sought asylum to another country, where they are granted permanent residence status.
Stateless Person: A stateless person is someone who is not recognized as a citizen of any country and therefore lacks legal protection and access to basic rights.
Return Migration: Return migration refers to the movement of people back to their country of origin after prolonged stay in a foreign country.
Detention: Detention is the confinement of individuals for immigration purposes.
Migration Policies: Migration policies are the actions taken by governments to regulate migration flows and to facilitate the integration of newcomers.
Xenophobia: Xenophobia is the fear and hatred of foreigners or strangers, often expressed through discrimination, prejudice, or violence.
Legal Definition: Legal definitions refer to the legal framework that governs the status and rights of refugees and migrants. These definitions are guided by international and domestic law and determine who qualifies as a refugee or migrant.
Political Definition: Political definitions refer to how politicians and policymakers frame migration and refugee issues. These definitions are shaped by political ideology and can influence how policy is created and implemented.
Cultural Definition: Cultural definitions refer to how communities and societies understand migration and refugee issues. These definitions are influenced by cultural norms, values, and beliefs and can affect how individuals and groups are treated based on their migration status.
Economic Definition: Economic definitions refer to how migration and refugee issues affect the economy. These definitions are concerned with the economic impact of migration, including its impact on job opportunities, wages, and economic growth.
Social Definition: Social definitions refer to the social impact of migration and refugee issues. These definitions focus on issues such as integration, social cohesion, and community relations.
Environmental Definition: Environmental definitions refer to how environmental factors, such as climate change, natural disasters, and environmental degradation, contribute to migration and refugee issues.
Gender Definition: Gender definitions refer to the specific experiences of women, men, girls, and boys in migration and refugee contexts. These definitions take into account the gendered nature of migration and refugee issues and consider how gender shapes experiences and outcomes.
Forced Migration: Forced migration refers to the movement of individuals and groups who are forced to leave their homes due to conflict, persecution, or other forms of violence.
Voluntary Migration: Voluntary migration refers to the movement of individuals who choose to migrate for reasons such as seeking better economic opportunities, reuniting with family, or pursuing higher education.
Asylum Seeker: An asylum seeker is someone who has fled their home country due to persecution, conflict, or other forms of violence and is seeking protection in another country.
Refugee: A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee their home country due to persecution, conflict, or other forms of violence and has been granted refugee status under international or domestic law.
Internally Displaced Person (IDP): An internally displaced person is someone who has been forced to flee their home but remains within their own country.
Stateless Person: A stateless person is someone who does not have a nationality and is therefore not recognized as a citizen by any country.
Mixed Migration: Mixed migration refers to the movement of individuals who are seeking protection but may not fit neatly into traditional refugee or migrant categories.
Remittances: Remittances refer to the money that migrants send back to their home countries to support their families and communities.
"A person who leaves their country of residence, enters another country and applies for asylum (i.e., international protection) in that other country."
"Immigrant who has been forcibly displaced and might have fled their home country because of war or other factors harming them or their family."
"A person becomes an asylum seeker by making a formal application for the right to remain in another country."
"The relevant immigration authorities of the country of asylum determine whether the asylum seeker will be granted protection and become an officially recognized refugee or whether asylum will be refused."
"In North American English, the term 'asylee' is also used."
"On average, about 1 million people apply for asylum every year."
"An asylee can either be an asylum seeker or a person whose claim for asylum was accepted and asylum was granted."
"The asylum seeker may be recognized as a refugee and given refugee status if their circumstances fall into the definition of refugee according to the 1951 Refugee Convention or other refugee laws."
"Signatories to the refugee convention create their own policies for assessing the protection status of asylum seekers."
"Yes, the proportion of asylum applicants who are accepted or rejected varies each year from country to country."
"If their case is accepted, they become considered a refugee."
"If their case is refused, the asylum seeker becomes an illegal immigrant who may be asked to leave the country and may even be deported."
"Yes, asylum can be claimed within the European Union."
"The European Convention on Human Rights, if asylum is claimed within the European Union."
"The relevant immigration authorities of the country of asylum determine whether the asylum seeker will be granted protection."
"The asylum seeker becomes an illegal immigrant who may be asked to leave the country and may even be deported."
"Their circumstances must fall into the definition of refugee according to the 1951 Refugee Convention or other refugee laws."
"No, an asylee can either be an asylum seeker or a person whose claim for asylum was accepted and asylum was granted."
"Signatories to the refugee convention create their own policies for assessing the protection status of asylum seekers."
"On average, about 1 million people apply for asylum every year."