Advocacy and communication

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This topic looks at the role of advocacy and communication in humanitarian and development work, including strategies for engaging with different stakeholders and promoting social change.

Introduction to Advocacy and Communication: :.
Stakeholder Analysis: :.
Policy change: :.
Media and Advocacy: :.
Lobbying and Advocacy: :.
Communication for Behavior Change: :.
Humanitarian and Development Communications: :.
Advocacy and Gender: :.
Community Mobilization: :.
Monitoring and Evaluation of Advocacy: :.
Lobbying advocacy: Political advocacy for specific issues, typically through direct interaction with government representatives and policymakers.
Grassroots advocacy: Organizing support and mobilizing individual supporters through community-level action.
Media advocacy: Utilizing media to raise awareness and advocate for specific social and political issues.
Legal advocacy: Using legal mechanisms to support marginalized or vulnerable communities.
Faith-based advocacy: Activating religious networks to engage with and mobilize communities around issues that align with their values.
Consumer advocacy: Advocating for issues through consumer markets and branding.
Creative advocacy: Using the arts to engage audiences and raise awareness around specific issues.
Labor advocacy: Advocating for workers' rights and labor protections.
Environmental advocacy: Advocating for environmental conservation and sustainability.
Human rights advocacy: Advocating for respect and protection of human rights.
- "Advocacy is an activity by an individual or group that aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social institutions."
- "Advocacy includes activities and publications to influence public policy, laws and budgets." - "Advocacy aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social institutions."
- "Using facts, their relationships, the media, and messaging to educate government officials and the public."
- "Media campaigns, public speaking, commissioning and publishing research."
- "Lobbying (often by lobby groups) is a form of advocacy where a direct approach is made to legislators on a specific issue or specific piece of legislation."
- "Research has started to address how advocacy groups in the United States and Canada are using social media to facilitate civic engagement and collective action."
- "Decisions within political, economic, and social institutions."
- "Influence public policy, laws, and budgets."
- "Using facts, their relationships, the media, and messaging to educate government officials and the public."
- "Using social media to facilitate civic engagement and collective action."
- No direct quote.
- "Commissioning and publishing research."
- "Using facts, their relationships, the media, and messaging to educate government officials and the public."
- "Influence public policy, laws, and budgets."
- "Public speaking."
- No direct quote.
- "Using facts, their relationships, the media, and messaging to educate government officials and the public."
- "Research has started to address how advocacy groups in the United States and Canada are using social media to facilitate civic engagement and collective action."
- No direct quote.
- "Using facts, their relationships, the media, and messaging to educate government officials and the public."