Sustainable transportation

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Considering the environmental impact of our transportation systems and designing more sustainable modes of transportation, including electric cars, bikes, and public transit.

Transportation Modes: Understanding different modes of transportation, such as bicycling, walking, public and private transportation, and the advantages and challenges associated with each one.
Alternative Fuels: The use of alternative transportation fuels such as electricity, biofuels, hydrogen, and propane, replacing conventional fossil fuels in transportation.
Green Infrastructure: Incorporating sustainable designs into transportation systems, including green roofs, green zones, and rain gardens, which can improve local ecosystems.
Transit-Oriented Development: Planning and designing urban development around public transportation, so that people have easy access to transportation options.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS): The use of technology to improve transportation efficiency, safety, and reliability, such as GPS, smart traffic lights, and automated transportation systems.
Active Transportation: Strategies that promote non-motorized modes of transportation, such as walking and biking, to reduce carbon emissions.
Carpooling and Shared Transportation: Encouraging or arranging the sharing of cars and other vehicles among multiple people or for specific journeys.
Sustainable Infrastructure Materials: Designing and building using energy-efficient or sustainably sourced materials.
Sustainable Community Planning: Using the principles of sustainable development to create communities that are more pedestrian-friendly, bike-friendly, and encourage the use of public transportation.
Policies Encouraging Sustainable Transportation: Setting goals, regulations, and incentives to promote the use of sustainable transportation options.
Walking: The simplest sustainable method of transportation, walking promotes health, promotes active lifestyles, and produces no emissions.
Biking: Another sustainable mode of transportation, biking offers similar benefits to walking, but at greater speeds and distances.
Public Transit: This includes buses, trains, trolleys, and other modes of mass transportation systems that people use to commute or travel from place to place.
Electric Cars: These are vehicles that run purely on electricity, and help reduce emissions, noise, and dependence on oil resources.
Hybrid Cars: A vehicle that combines two or more power sources, typically a gasoline engine and an electric motor, to improve fuel efficiency and reduce environmental harm.
Car-Sharing Services: These are organizations that provide communal access to cars, reducing the need for car ownership, and ultimately decreasing traffic congestion, emissions, and the environmental impact of vehicle manufacturing.
Telecommuting: This refers to working remotely from home or other locations, thereby reducing or eliminating daily commutes to workplaces and, in turn, reducing carbon emissions.
Electric Scooters: These are small, compact, and electric-powered two-wheelers that offer an alternative to traditional motorbikes, reducing emissions, and promoting sustainable transportation.
Autonomous Vehicles: Autonomous vehicles have the potential to improve transportation efficiency, reduce vehicle miles traveled, and increase commuting opportunities, without the hassle of parking.
Electric Skateboards: As a hassle-free alternative to conventional skateboarding or biking, electric skateboards can help reduce emissions and promote more sustainable transportation.
"Sustainable transport refers to ways of transportation that are sustainable in terms of their social and environmental impacts."
"Components for evaluating sustainability include the particular vehicles used, the source of energy, and the infrastructure used to accommodate the transport."
"Transportation sustainability is largely being measured by transportation system effectiveness and efficiency as well as the environmental and climate impacts of the system."
"Transport systems account for between 20% and 25% of world energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions."
"The majority of emissions, almost 97%, came from direct burning of fossil fuels."
"The main source of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union is transportation."
"In 2019, transportation contributes to about 31% of global emissions."
"Greenhouse gas emissions from transport are increasing at a faster rate than any other energy-using sector."
"Road transport is a major contributor to local air pollution and smog."
"Sustainable transport systems make a positive contribution to the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of the communities they serve."
"Poor households benefit greatly from low carbon transport options."
"The advantages of increased mobility need to be weighed against the environmental, social, and economic costs that transport systems pose."
"Long-term goals include migrating transportation from fossil-based energy to other alternatives such as renewable energy and the use of other renewable resources."
"Low carbon transport can improve public health through better air quality and reducing emission levels, thus mitigating climate change."
"The social costs of transport include road crashes, air pollution, physical inactivity, time taken away from the family while commuting, and vulnerability to fuel price increases."
"Many of these negative impacts fall disproportionately on those social groups who are also least likely to own and drive cars."
"Traffic congestion imposes economic costs by wasting people's time and by slowing the delivery of goods and services."
"The real purpose of transport is access – to work, education, goods and services, friends and family."
"Communities that are successfully improving the sustainability of their transport networks are doing so as part of a wider program of creating more vibrant, livable, sustainable cities."
"There are proven techniques to improve access while simultaneously reducing environmental and social impacts, and managing traffic congestion."