How visual representations can perpetuate or challenge power dynamics in society.
Semiotics: The study of signs and symbols and how they convey meaning.
Ideology: A set of beliefs, values and attitudes that shape the way individuals perceive and interpret the world.
Discourse analysis: The study of language and communication and how it shapes power relations.
Cultural hegemony: The domination of one culture over others, whereby the dominant culture defines what is considered normative and acceptable.
Stereotyping: The simplification of complex identities and characteristics into crude, one-dimensional representations.
Orientalism: The way in which Western culture has constructed notions of the "East" in a way that justifies colonialism and cultural superiority.
Colonialism and post-colonialism: The impact of colonialism on culture and power relations, and the efforts to create political and cultural independence.
Gender and sexuality: The ways in which gender and sexuality are constructed and represented in society, and how this affects power relations.
Race and ethnicity: The ways in which race and ethnicity are constructed and represented in society, and how this affects power relations.
Power and resistance: How power is exercised and resisted in different cultural contexts, and the potential for agency and activism through visual representation.
Documentary film: A non-fiction film that conveys a certain viewpoint, message, or agenda about a particular subject or issue.
Ethnographic film: A non-fiction film that portrays the cultural practices, beliefs, and values of various ethnic groups or communities.
Photography: The art or practice of capturing images that convey different meanings, perspectives or messages about the world, people, or cultures.
Visual art: The creation of artwork that represents or reflects upon various social, cultural, political or environmental issues or phenomena.
Advertising: The use of various visual forms and narrations to promote, sell, or convey an image or message about a product, service, or idea.
Social media: The use of online platforms and networks to share, exchange, or create various forms of visual content and messages that represent different aspects of people's lives, identities, or experiences.
Performance art: The use of various aesthetic or artistic forms to represent or convey different emotions, experiences, or messages about the world, societies, or cultures.
Media and news reporting: The use of various visual and textual forms to report, analyze, or interpret different events, social issues, or phenomena in different parts of the world.
Political campaigning: The use of various visual and verbal forms to convey a certain political message or agenda to people in order to gain their support or vote.
Education and training: The use of various visual forms and technology to provide people with knowledge, skills, or awareness about different social, cultural, or environmental issues or phenomena.