"It views humans from multidimensional and ecological perspectives. It studies 'human health and disease, health care systems, and biocultural adaptation.'"
The study of the effects of culture, social structure, and the environment on human health and illness, including cross-cultural health care and global health issues.
Introduction to Medical Anthropology: Provides an overview of the field of medical anthropology and its history, goals, and key concepts.
Culture and Health: Examines the ways in which culture impacts health beliefs and practices, including how illness is understood and treated.
Ethnography and Fieldwork: Explores the methods of conducting fieldwork and ethnographic research in medical anthropology and how these methods are used to gain a deeper understanding of health and illness in different cultural contexts.
Biomedicine and Alternative Medicine: Compares and contrasts the strengths and weaknesses of biomedicine and alternative medicine, highlighting the role of culture in shaping health beliefs and practices.
Global Health and Health Disparities: Examines the ways in which global health issues impact different populations and how disparities in health outcomes can be addressed through cultural competence and social justice efforts.
Medicalization and Medical Technologies: Looks at the ways in which medicalization has impacted society, and how technology has played a key role in shaping the healthcare landscape over time.
Mental Health and Psychiatry: Examines the ways in which mental health is defined and treated in different cultural contexts, and explores the impact of globalization on mental healthcare systems.
Reproduction and Reproductive Health: Discusses the cultural variation in understandings of reproduction and reproductive health practices, including fertility, contraception, and childbirth.
Health and Environment: Explores the links between human health and the natural and built environment, including the impact of climate change, pollution, and other environmental factors on health outcomes.
Postcolonialism and Medical Anthropology: Examines the relationships between colonialism, imperialism, and healthcare in different regions of the world, highlighting the role of power and inequality in shaping health outcomes.
"...a subfield of social and cultural anthropology that examines the ways in which culture and society are organized around or influenced by issues of health, health care and related issues."
"The term 'medical anthropology' has been used since 1963 as a label for empirical research and theoretical production by anthropologists into the social processes and cultural representations of health, illness and the nursing/care practices associated with these."
"In Europe, the terms 'anthropology of medicine', 'anthropology of health' and 'anthropology of illness' have also been used..."
"...the terms 'anthropology of medicine', 'anthropology of health' and 'anthropology of illness' have also been used." (no specific time frame mentioned)
"...'medical anthropology' was also a translation of the 19th-century Dutch term 'medische anthropologie'."
"'...medical anthropology' was also a translation of the 19th-century Dutch term 'medische anthropologie'."
"It studies 'human health and disease, health care systems, and biocultural adaptation.'"
"It views humans from multidimensional and ecological perspectives."
"...it is one of the most highly developed areas of anthropology and applied anthropology..."
"...examines the ways in which culture and society are organized around or influenced by issues of health, health care and related issues."
"It examines the ways in which culture and society are organized around or influenced by issues of health, health care and related issues."
"...empirical research and theoretical production by anthropologists into the social processes and cultural representations of health, illness, and the nursing/care practices associated with these."
"...the social processes and cultural representations of health, illness, and the nursing/care practices associated with these."
"It is one of the most highly developed areas of anthropology and applied anthropology..."
"...the social processes and cultural representations of health, illness, and the nursing/care practices associated with these."
"It studies 'human health and disease, health care systems, and biocultural adaptation.'"
"It examines the ways in which culture and society are organized around or influenced by issues of health, health care and related issues."
"It views humans from multidimensional and ecological perspectives. It studies 'human health and disease, health care systems, and biocultural adaptation'."
"This term was chosen by some authors during the 1940s to refer to philosophical studies on health and illness."