Music and Identity

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The ways in which music forms and reflects individual and group identities, including ethnicity, nationality, gender, and religion.

- "Identity emerges during childhood as children start to comprehend their self-concept..." - "Identity is shaped by social and cultural factors and how others perceive and acknowledge one's characteristics."
- "It remains a consistent aspect throughout different stages of life."
- "Identity encompasses various aspects such as occupational, religious, national, ethnic or racial, gender, educational, generational, and political identities, among others."
- "Identity serves multiple functions, acting as a 'self-regulatory structure' that provides meaning, direction, and a sense of self-control." - "It profoundly influences an individual's capacity to adapt to life events and achieve a state of well-being."
- "Identity originates from traits or attributes that individuals may have little or no control over, such as their family background or ethnicity."
- "Emphasis is placed by sociologists on collective identity, in which an individual's identity is strongly associated with role-behavior or the collection of group memberships that define them."
- "Identities subsequently guide behavior, leading 'fathers' to behave like 'fathers' and 'nurses' to act like 'nurses.'"
- "In psychology, the term 'identity' is most commonly used to describe personal identity, or the distinctive qualities or traits that make an individual unique."
- "Identities are strongly associated with self-concept, self-image (one's mental model of oneself), self-esteem, and individuality."
- "Individuals' identities are situated, but also contextual, situationally adaptive and changing."
- "Identities often feel as if they are stable ubiquitous categories defining an individual, because of their grounding in the sense of personal identity (the sense of being a continuous and persistent self)."
- "The etymology of the term 'identity' from the Latin noun identitas emphasizes an individual's mental image of themselves and their 'sameness with others'."
- "Identity... provides meaning, direction, and a sense of self-control."
- "It profoundly influences an individual's capacity to adapt to life events and achieve a state of well-being."
- "Identity originates from traits or attributes that individuals may have little or no control over, such as their family background or ethnicity."
- "Identity is shaped by social and cultural factors and how others perceive and acknowledge one's characteristics."
- "It fosters internal harmony and serves as a behavioral compass, enabling individuals to orient themselves towards the future and establish long-term goals."
- "Identity encompasses various aspects such as occupational identities..."
- "Identity encompasses various aspects such as generational identities..."
- "Identity encompasses various aspects such as political identities..."