"The study of cultural adaptations to environments."
The study of the relationship between human societies and their ecosystems, including how cultural and social factors impact ecology.
"The study of relationships between a population of humans and their biophysical environment."
"How cultural beliefs and practices helped human populations adapt to their environments, and how people used elements of their culture to maintain their ecosystems."
"Ecological anthropology developed from the approach of cultural ecology."
"Ecological anthropology provided a conceptual framework more suitable for scientific inquiry than the cultural ecology approach."
"To study a wide range of human responses to environmental problems."
"Ecological anthropologist, Conrad Kottak published arguing there is an original older 'functionalist', apolitical style ecological anthropology."
"A 'new ecological anthropology' was emerging and being recommended consisting of a more complex intersecting global, national, regional and local systems style or approach." (Note: The remaining questions require interpretation based on the paragraph as a whole, as no specific quotes directly answer them.)