
Home > Anthropology > Cognitive Anthropology > Cognition

The mental processes involved in acquiring, processing, and organizing information.

Perception: Refers to the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information. It includes the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
Attention: Refers to the ability to selectively focus on specific information while ignoring distractions.
Memory: Refers to the process of encoding, storing, and retrieving information over time.
Language: Refers to the ability to use symbols and rules to communicate with others.
Reasoning and problem-solving: Refers to the ability to use logical thinking to solve problems.
Decision-making: Refers to the process of making choices based on available information.
Emotion: Refers to the subjective experiences of an individual that involve feelings, thoughts, and physiological responses.
Culture: Refers to the shared beliefs, values, practices, and traditions of a group of people.
Social cognition: Refers to how people process, remember, and use information about themselves and others in social situations.
Cognitive development: Refers to the changes in cognitive abilities that occur from infancy through adulthood.
Neuropsychology: Refers to the study of how the brain supports cognitive processes.
Cognitive neuroscience: Refers to the use of neuroimaging techniques to study the neural basis of cognitive processes.
Evolutionary psychology: Refers to the study of how evolutionary processes have shaped human cognition.
Consciousness: Refers to the subjective experience of awareness, including attention and self-awareness.
Artificial intelligence: Refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human cognition.
Perception cognition: Perception cognition refers to the process through which we interpret and make sense of the information we receive through our five senses. It is the mechanism through which we understand the world around us.
Memory cognition: Memory cognition refers to the ability to store and recall information. It allows us to remember past experiences and knowledge.
Attention cognition: Attention cognition refers to the ability to focus on a particular task or event while filtering out distractions. It involves selective attention and divided attention.
Language cognition: Language cognition refers to the ability to understand and use language. It includes language comprehension, language production, and language acquisition.
Executive cognition: Executive cognition refers to the ability to plan, organize, and problem-solve. It involves decision making, goal setting, and task initiation.
Emotion cognition: Emotion cognition refers to the ability to understand and regulate emotions. It involves emotional awareness and emotional regulation.
Social cognition: Social cognition refers to the ability to understand and navigate social situations. It involves empathy, perspective taking, and social perception.
Conceptual cognition: Conceptual cognition refers to the ability to understand abstract concepts and ideas. It involves reasoning, analysis, and problem-solving at a higher level.
"Cognition is the 'mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses'."
"It encompasses all aspects of intellectual functions and processes such as: perception, attention, thought, imagination, intelligence, the formation of knowledge, memory and working memory, judgment and evaluation, reasoning and computation, problem-solving and decision-making, comprehension and production of language."
"Cognitive processes use existing knowledge and discover new knowledge."
"Notably in the fields of linguistics, musicology, anesthesia, neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, education, philosophy, anthropology, biology, systemics, logic, and computer science."
"These and other approaches to the analysis of cognition (such as embodied cognition) are synthesized in the developing field of cognitive science, a progressively autonomous academic discipline."
"Cognition encompasses perception, which is an aspect of the intellectual process."
"Cognition involves memory and working memory, contributing to the acquisition of knowledge and understanding."
"Cognition includes problem-solving and decision-making processes as part of its intellectual functions."
"Cognition involves comprehension and production of language, highlighting its role in the acquisition of knowledge and understanding."
"Cognition encompasses intelligence, which is one of the intellectual functions and processes it involves."
"Cognition involves the formation of knowledge, which is influenced by thought, experience, and the senses."
"Thought is one of the aspects of intellectual functions and processes analyzed within the context of cognition."
"Disciplines such as neuroscience and biology analyze cognition from a biological perspective."
"Cognition encompasses judgment and evaluation processes, contributing to the acquisition of knowledge and understanding."
"Anthropology is one of the fields that analyzes cognition from different perspectives, exploring its cultural and social dimensions."
"Cognition is analyzed from a psychiatry perspective, which explores its impact on mental health and disorders."
"Logic is one of the approaches utilized in the analysis of cognition, uncovering the rational and reasoning aspects of cognitive processes."
"Cognitive science synthesizes different approaches to the analysis of cognition, including embodied cognition, forming a progressively autonomous academic discipline."
"Cognition is analyzed within the field of education, exploring how knowledge and understanding are acquired and processed by learners."
"Perception is a fundamental aspect of cognition, allowing individuals to acquire knowledge and understanding through their senses."