Population genetics

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Study of genetic variation within and between populations.

Allele frequency: This refers to the relative frequency of different alleles (forms of genes) in a population.
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium: This is a theory that describes the relationship between allele and genotype frequencies in a population that is not evolving.
Genetic drift: This refers to the random fluctuations in allele frequencies that occur in small populations.
Migration: The movement of individuals from one population to another.
Gene flow: The transfer of genetic material from one population to another as a result of migration.
Mutation: A change in the genetic material of an organism.
Natural selection: A process of differential survival and reproduction of individuals with advantageous traits.
Molecular markers: DNA sequences that can be used to identify different individuals, populations or species.
Neutral theory: A theory that suggests that most genetic variation in a population is due to neutral mutations that do not affect the function of the encoded protein.
Phylogenetics: The study of the evolutionary relationships among different organisms or populations.
Phylogeography: The study of the historical processes that have shaped the geographic distribution of genetic variation within and among populations.
Population structure: The way in which genetic variation is distributed among and within populations.
Population genetics models: Mathematical models used to describe the genetic dynamics of populations, taking into account factors like mutation, selection, migration and genetic drift.
Coalescent theory: A theory used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of a group of individuals or genes, by tracing their ancestry back in time.
Genome-wide association studies: Statistical technique that aims to identify genetic variants associated with complex traits or diseases.
Human evolution: Study of the human species' evolutionary history and the genetic changes that have occurred throughout it.
Non-human primate genetics: The study of the genetics and evolution of non-human primates, which are the closest living relatives of humans.
Conservation genetics: Study of the genetics and evolution of endangered species and the application of this knowledge for their conservation.
Anthropological genetics: Interdisciplinary field that investigates population genetics, molecular genetics of human populations, and the molecular genetics of modern humans.
Genetic ancestry testing: Using genetic information to determine one's ancestry, either through identification of specific markers, or through sequencing the entire genome.
Molecular Population Genetics: This type of population genetics focuses on the study of genetic variation at the molecular level, particularly DNA and RNA sequences.
Quantitative Genetics: This type of population genetics deals with the inheritance of complex traits, and tries to understand patterns of variation and heritability in populations.
Evolutionary Genetics: This type of population genetics examines how genetic variation within populations changes over time due to factors such as natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, and gene flow.
Phylogenetics: This type of population genetics seeks to reconstruct the evolutionary history of species or populations, based on genetic data and other evidence.
Bioinformatics: This type of population genetics uses computational methods and tools to analyze large sets of genetic data, and to generate hypotheses about evolutionary relationships and population history.
Ecological Genetics: This type of population genetics focuses on the interactions between genes and the environment, and how these interactions affect the distribution and diversity of populations.
Human Genetics: This type of population genetics specifically studies the genetic variation and evolutionary history of human populations, and the implications of this variation for health, migration, and other factors.
"Population genetics is a subfield of genetics that deals with genetic differences within and among populations, and is a part of evolutionary biology."
"Studies in this branch of biology examine such phenomena as adaptation, speciation, and population structure."
"Its primary founders were Sewall Wright, J. B. S. Haldane and Ronald Fisher."
"Population genetics was a vital ingredient in the emergence of the modern evolutionary synthesis."
"The primary founders of population genetics... also laid the foundations for the related discipline of quantitative genetics."
"Modern population genetics encompasses theoretical, laboratory, and field work."
"Population genetic models are used both for statistical inference from DNA sequence data."
"Population genetic models are used... for proof/disproof of concept."
"What sets population genetics apart from newer, more phenotypic approaches to modelling evolution... is its emphasis on such genetic phenomena..."
"...phenomena as dominance, epistasis, the degree to which genetic recombination breaks linkage disequilibrium, and the random phenomena of mutation and genetic drift."
"This makes it appropriate for comparison to population genomics data." Please note that I have provided the quotes directly related to the questions, but there may be additional information in the paragraph worth exploring.