Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

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A fundamental law that describes the attraction between two objects with mass.

Newton's Laws of Motion: Understanding the three laws of motion and how they relate to the Law of Universal Gravitation.
Gravitational Force: Defining and understanding the concept of gravitational force.
Kepler's Laws: Understanding the three laws of planetary motion discovered by Johannes Kepler.
Mass and Weight: Difference between mass and weight and how they relate to gravity.
Inverse Square Law: Understanding how gravitational force decreases with distance using the inverse square law.
Gravitational Fields: Defining and understanding gravitational fields.
Escape Velocity: Understanding the concept of escape velocity and how it relates to gravitational physics.
Orbital Mechanics: Understanding how objects move in orbit around each other.
Celestial Mechanics: Studying the mechanics of planets, moons, stars, and other celestial bodies.
Einstein's Theory of General Relativity: Understanding how Einstein's theory of general relativity explains the behavior of gravity.
Black Holes: Understanding the concept of black holes and how they relate to gravitational physics.
Gravitational Waves: Understanding the detection, properties, and sources of gravitational waves.