- "Study skills or study strategies are approaches applied to learning."
This includes methods and techniques used to improve learning, memorization, note-taking, test preparation, and other academic-related activities.
- "Study skills are an array of skills which tackle the process of organizing and taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments."
- "They are discrete techniques that can be learned, usually in a short time, and applied to all or most fields of study."
- "More broadly, any skill which boosts a person's ability to study, retain and recall information which assists in and passing exams can be termed a study skill..."
- "...mnemonics, which aid the retention of lists of information; effective reading; concentration techniques; and efficient note taking."
- "Due to the generic nature of study skills, they must, therefore, be distinguished from strategies that are specific to a particular field of study (e.g. music or technology)..."
- "...and from abilities inherent in the student, such as aspects of intelligence or learning styles."
- "It is crucial in this, however, for students to gain initial insight into their habitual approaches to study, so they may better understand the dynamics and personal resistances to learning new techniques."
- "...boosts a person's ability to study, retain and recall information which assists in and passing exams..."
- "They are discrete techniques that can be learned, usually in a short time..."
- "...mnemonics, which aid the retention of lists of information..."
- "effective reading..."
- "concentration techniques..."
- "...and efficient note taking."
- "...applied to all or most fields of study."
- "...they must, therefore, be distinguished from strategies that are specific to a particular field of study..."
- "...specific to a particular field of study (e.g. music or technology)..."
- "...abilities inherent in the student, such as aspects of intelligence or learning styles."
- "...information which assists in and passing exams..."
- "...this could include time management and motivational techniques."